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"happy momma day." jasmine says to her mom one last time as harry tucks her into bed.

harry kisses the top of her head as he smiles at his little angel. she was his world. harry will protect her at all cost.

"thank you darling. you get some sleep okay? mommy and daddy will be right down the hall. we love you."

"love you mamma. and love daddy."

harry smiles before turning off her light but leaving her night light on. he gently shuts her door before going into his shared bedroom with his husband.

"she okay tonight?"

"yeah. i left her night light on as well as her closed the door."

"how about you baby. are you okay?"

zayn has asked this question the last few months. ever since the incident zayn wants to check on both his daughter and his husband.

"im okay. i just-it's just hard seeing her like this. she's just a little girl. she didn't deserve to see her parents-she didn't deserve to see me-she didn't deserve any of it." harry cries out.

"baby, i know. but something traumatic happed to both of you. i just feel like you should talk to someone too."

"i told you im okay baby. i don't really wanna talk to anyone but you and our family."

zayn sighs as he rubs her back. "then talk to me please. i need to know how you feel?"

harry sighs. "broken. zayn she humiliated our family. she harassed us for months."

"i know my darling. but she's gone okay. she can no longer harm us. we are all safe."

"i just wish she didn't put jas through that. she's just a child."

"i know. and i know jas almost lost both her parents. but that women is rotting in hell as we speak. she can't harm any of us any longer. we're free baby."

harry kisses him gently. im glad you're okay too. i know you were traumatized as well. and if i lost you. i-i don't know what i would have done in that moment."

"you would have went on and raised our beautiful daughter. tell her everything she needs to know about her daddy."

"im glad you're here to tell your own story to her. when you didn't respond that very moment i thought-i thought i lost you."

"i promise i won't leave you. i love you baby. more than words itself. and i can't wait to grow our family darling."

"yeah?" harry bites his bottom lip.

"of course!"

"i hoped you'd say that. i wanna start trying."

"oh, yeah?"

"absolutely! i wanna have another beautiful baby with you darling."

"whatever you want baby." zayn goes to kiss him quickly but harry had other ideas.

"oh, you meant right now?"

"yes. make love to me."

zayn smirks through the kiss before he gently takes harry shirt off. unfortunately someone had other plans for the couple that night.

"mummy. daddy. i had nother' nightmare."

zayn and harry pull apart and sigh. zayn gets out of bed and picks up his daughter.

"it's okay baby. baba's got you."

jasmine rest her head on his shoulder before he places her in between both him and harry.

"goodnight my babies. love you both." zayn whispers.

"love you jas. love you babe." harry whispers back.

"love mummy and daddy." jas states before falling asleep once more.

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