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liked by arianagrande, selenagomez, liampayne, mamamalik, gemmastyles, annetwist, zaynews, zzzayn, zxynmxlik, zarrystylik, zaynspillow, pillowt4lkmalik, and 5,788,000 others
zayn dancing feet.
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liked by arianagrande, selenagomez, liampayne, mamamalik, gemmastyles, annetwist, zaynews, zzzayn, zxynmxlik, zarrystylik, zaynspillow, pillowt4lkmalik, and 2,767,000 others harrystyles going to visit auntie gem and granny

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liked by arianagrande, selenagomez, liampayne, mamamalik, gemmastyles, annetwist, zaynews, zzzayn, zxynmxlik, zarrystylik, zaynspillow, pillowt4lkmalik, and 2,767,000 others
harrystyles going to visit auntie gem and granny.
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gemmastyles hi auntie baby.
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633,000 likes annetwist it's so good to have my baby's in one room together

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annetwist it's so good to have my baby's in one room together. and it's really good to see my grandchild.
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going to the grocery store with our princess. gonna give you, gem, and your mom some time to bond.

thanks babe.

of course my love.

can you maybe pick up some bell peppers.

yes. anything else?

that should be it. maybe some fruit and yogurt for our baby girl?

okay darling. ill be back in thirty minutes to an hour depending on how busy the store is.

okay. love you.

i love you too moon.
"so you and zayn good darling?"

harry hums as his mother sets a cup of tea next to him. he thanks her before humming.

"yea mamma. things are great." harry states.

"how's the wedding planning going?" gemma asked as she takes a sip of her tea.

"they're good. didn't realize how exhausting planning a wedding is. im extremely tired."

"you know if you need any help mom and i are willing to. any time baby brother."

harry nods. "i know. thanks!"

"so other than that things are good?" anne asked her child.

"yes. this week is finals so ive been busy with that. then summer times finally here so i can relax with baby jas a bit. everything seems to be great."

"that's good baby. anything else new?"

harry shakes his head. "unfortunately my life is pretty boring. same routine everyday. what about you mom?"

"mom didn't tell you? she's got herself a new man." gemma smirks and wiggles her eyebrows.

anne shakes her head and laughs. harry smiles at his mom. "really? i didn't realize you've been dating again."

"yeah. it's new. he's a great guy."

"is he english?" harry asked.

"yes darling. he's from london actually."

"hmm. sounds amazing. bet he's great."

"i would love to you and gem to meet him someday."

"he can be your plus one to the wedding." harry states.

anne hums. "thanks darling."

harry nods. "what about you gem. seeing anyone?"

gemma shakes her head. "im as single as they come baby brother. got anyone to set me up with? maybe zayn knows brad pitt. he's newly single." gemma wiggles her eyebrows.

harry shakes his head and laughs. "you wish." harry chuckles.

the three continue to talk until zayn comes back with jasmine running to her mom.

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