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is this harry?

who is this?

answer the question please?

im sorry but im not comfortable answering a question if i don't know who this is.

it doesn't matter. i know it's you. stay away from zayn.

im sorry?

you're just using him. stay away from him.

okay. im blocking you.

doesn't matter. you better listen to my warning or im coming for you and that precious child of yours.

do not talk about my baby. it's one thing to threaten me but my child?

boohoo. i bet she's not even zayn's. we all know you're just a clout chaser. trying to suck your way into zayn's life. you'll listen to my warning if you wanna protect the hair on your daughter head.

im reporting you to the police!!

they won't be able to trace me. just stay away from zayn.
harry walks around his home before finding his fiancé. zayn smiles at him before seeing how pale he looked and frowns.

harry runs into his arms and starts shedding tears. he had no idea who this was texting him. one thing he knew he was certain about was this had to be one of zayn's fans that didn't like him.

zayn starts rubbing his back and kissing the top of his head. "baby, you're shaking. what's going on?"

harry just shakes his head. he didn't want zayn to be upset at his fans. they were still his family. a huge part of zayn's life. a huge part of his life now.

zayn pulls away from the hug and looks harry in the eyes. "tell me. you're scaring me."

"it's nothing."

"harry. don't tell me it's nothing when you're crying and shaking. come on."

"it's just-i got this weird text message."


"i don't know who it is but they told me to stay away from you and threaten me. but-but."

"but what baby?"

"they also threatened jas."

zayn's blood starts boiling. threatening harry and his daughter. what kind of sick and twisted person would do such a thing.

zayn had an idea. he grabs his phone and harry shakes his head.


"babe, someone is threatening you. it's gone too far."

"it'll just make it worse and you know it."

zayn sighs. he knew harry was right. but he couldn't just sit back and watch someone threaten his family.

"what do you wanna do?"

"nothing. it's just empty threats. doesn't mean anything."


"zayn, please?"

zayn sighs before kissing the top of his head. "okay. ill keep my mouth shut. but if this continues happening we're going to the police. got it?" zayn left no room for argument. he didn't want his family getting hurt.


"you know i love you, right?"

"mhm. love you forever and a day."

"until death due us part babe." zayn kisses him gently.

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