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jasmine continues to cry as harry tries to calm her down. zayn just sighs as he grabs their daughter so harry can give her some medicine.

jasmine had a high fever. she had a really bad cough and her nose was very runny. zayn had to come home early.

harry wanted to cry himself. she didn't like it when her baby was sick.

zayn kisses harry on the forehead to try and calm her down. "i know babe. but she'll get better, yeah?" zayn states.

harry just sighs. "i just don't like it." harry states.

"i know."

harry tries to open her daughter mouth. she knew jas didn't like it. "come on baby. it'll make you feel so much better my love."

jasmine just continues to scream. but harry got her to take the medicine.

"good baby. see. all better."

jasmine rest her head on her fathers shoulder. zayn kisses the top of her head before the family heads upstairs.

jasmine soon falls asleep in her fathers embrace. harry looks down at her daughter.

"poor baby." harry runs her fingers through jasmines hair.

"i know. but things will get better. doctor just said make sure she gets plenty of rest."

"i know." harry whispers.

"what else is bothering you?"


"come on baby. don't shut me out." zayn sighs.

"im just tired."


"mentally drained. with everything going on and you not being here. i know it's your job but sometimes i just need you. i need you to just hold me. i know. it's selfish but-"

"hey! it's not selfish to want me to be here with you baby. you're just under a lot of pressure right now. i completely understand. and im sorry ive been leaving a lot. i should know with all the hate you're getting and the creepy ass messages. you need me. im sorry for being away a lot. and im gonna make it up to you and our princess. you know i love both my girls." zayn whispers.

harry just hums as zayn kisses her on the shoulder.

"im sorry if that was too much."


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