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zayn grabs harry's hand tightly as the paparazzi crowds them. harry wasn't use to any of this.

zayn had no idea who called the paps but he wasn't too happy right now. he just wanted to have date night with his fiancé.

zayn opens the car door for his fiancé as harry gently gets in. he goes in the other side and tries to ignore the paps.

"zayn, where's your daughter?"

"hi, zayn. when are you getting married?"

"is it true that harry's just using you for fame."

"fuck off, would you?" zayn rolls his eyes as he gets in the driver seat and carefully drives.

"you okay?" zayn looks over at harry.

"mhm. im fine. just not use to it."

zayn sighs. "im sorry babe. im glad that jas is with dyls."

"me too. are they always this aggressive?"

zayn nods. "typically. a lot of them are fucking animals."

"im sorry you have to go through that."

zayn shrugs. "i learned long ago. it comes with the job. i just don't want you or jas to deal with it." zayn rest his hand on harry's leg.

"whats next?" harry asked.

"i was thinking a art museum. i know how much you love art."

"sounds exciting!"

zayn stops at a red light and kisses his fiancé gently.

"all for you my love." zayn states.

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harrystyles 🎨🖌
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harrystyles two years ago. and we're still here. ☀️
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