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as harry gets ready for her first period class she hears a knock on the door. harry smiles thinking it's one of her students.

she smiles widened a bit when she sees her fiancé. harry hugs him tightly before she kisses him quickly.

zayn wraps his arms around her waist. harry wraps her arms behind his neck as she invites him into her classroom.

"what are you doing here, babe?"

"i know it's early. i just came by to see if you were feeling a bit better. i know you were a bit upset leaving the house today." zayn frowns.

harry sighs. "yeah. im sorry. just didn't sleep very well. had a bit of a nightmare last night." harry states.

zayn frowns. "im sorry, princess." zayn states.

"not your fault. im better now though. thanks for coming by and checking on me."

"mhm. of course."

"can we maybe have lunch together? if you're not busy?"

"never busy for you. lunch time is still the same hour for you?"

harry hums.

"okay baby. i should finish running a few errands. do you need anything while im at the store?"

harry blushes. she hates asking zayn for this but she knew since he was going to the store she might as well.

"don't even say baby. i got you."

"thanks. love you."

"i love you too baby. have a good day at work."

harry kisses her fiancé once more before he waves and leaves.
"misses styles?"

"yes, daniel?"

"i need help with number four."

harry nods before going over to her students desk and helping him with the assignment. soon the bell rings for lunch and harry waves to her forth period class.

she heads for the teachers lounge and smiles at all the teachers.

"hi, misses styles."


"i love your dress. looks really great! where'd you get it?"

"my fiancé bought it for me. it was a birthday present last year. it's my first time wearing it believe it or not."

"i wish my husband was as spontaneous as that. im lucky if he remembers our anniversary." another teacher playfully rolls her eyes.

harry giggles. "zayns really considerate. he's so romantic."

"i bet. ive seen how he is with jasmine. he's such a good father."

"he is."

"are you two planning to have anymore children anytime soon?"

harry shakes her head. "not at the moment no. right now we're focusing on our wedding and our jasmine. maybe after jasmine's second birthday we'll have another."

"have you guys talked about how many you want?"

"we have. we want-"

"three. two girls and one boy hopefully. hi baby."

harry smiles at her fiancé.

"hi my love." harry kisses him gently.

"awe. you two are so cute. im so obsessed with your relationship."

harry blushes as zayn giggles. "thank you. ready for lunch darling?"

"yeah. ill see you guys later. bye." harry waves to her co workers before they head out to have lunch together.
so their isn't any confusion:

• harry's pronouns are he/her

• harry has a period but no he/she does not have female genitalia.

• harry does have boobs.

and please note that this is fan-fiction.

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