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"what do you think of me growing my hair out again?" harry asked zayn.

zayn hums as he starts running his fingers through his hair. "i think it'll look amazing babe. what brought this on though?"

harry shrugs. "i don't know. i just liked when it was long. i only cut it because it was very hot out and i was sweating a lot."

zayn nods understandably. "ill like it either way my love. long or short. you still look amazing."

"you think our jas will like it?" harry looks over at their daughter who was too busy playing with her blocks."

"im sure she will."

harry frowns. "she hasn't called for us once."

zayn chuckles. "we're right next to her my love."

harry just shakes his head. "i don't like it though. she's growing up." harry sighs.

zayn kisses the top of his head. "she's still our baby. she's just having fun with her blocks darling."

harry nods. jasmine sensed her parents staring at her. she looks up and begins to babble happily.

"mamamama." jas says happily as she puts a block in her mouth.

"see. she loves us."

harry sits down next to his daughter and starts playing with her.

"hi baby. what are we building?" harry coos.

jasmine babbles and harry nods along. zayn smiles before joining them.

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