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"baby, im home." zayn walks into the house. harry smiles as she hugs her fiancé.

harry kiss him gently. "hi my love. how was your day?"

zayn wraps his arms around his fiancé's waist. he kisses her gently. "hi baby. it was good. i mostly just finished up some songs. but im really glad to be back home with you and our kiddo. speaking of, where is she?"

and as soon as he spoke about their daughter they hear tiny little feet.


zayn picks up his daughter and kisses her gently. "my big girl."

jasmine snuggles closer to her father. harry smiles. "awe. i love how cute you are. my cutest baby."

"maybe we should make another." zayn half jokes.

harry playfully rolls her eyes. "not until we say i do." harry states.

zayn playfully pouts as harry kisses it away. jasmine claps her hands. she loves watching her parents be affectionate.

harry coos before grabbing her. "it's nap time baby."

harry heads upstairs before setting her down in her crib and playing some nursery music.

after about thirty or so minutes jasmine was out like a light.

harry heads downstairs and cuddles up to
her boyfriend as the two watch some tv.
how's my little niece doing?

she's good. she's taking a small nap. how about you? hows my niece?

she's drawing right now with her baba. and im good. im a little exhausted. but other than that im great. how about you and my bhaiya?

we're good. ive mostly been swamped with wedding things and he's been working on his album. we're both really busy. but we always make time for each other. how's wali and doni?

they're busy as well. waliyha is still in the honeymoon stage with her husband. doni is mostly busy with our store. we're actually all pretty busy with that but it's fun. we're actually thinking of having a lingerie line!

you should totally do it!

you'll model for us?

you know i would if i could. :(

it's so stupid how you're getting hate. you're literally the nicest human on the planet,

idk.. it's one thing to bully me but jasmine is so innocent. she's just a baby. this is why im glad zee and i waited four years. i knew if we came out sooner we probably wouldn't last.

i think you would have. you two are soulmates.

he makes me really happy.

i know. you make him really happy as well. if it weren't for you i don't know where my bhaiya would be.

jasmine is crying because im not giving her all my attention. text me later?

of course. love you sissy.

love you too babes. ❤️

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