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harry opens up her instagram and smiles. she likes a few comments from her fans before hearing a knock on her classroom door.

harry gets startled. after what happened to her in the course of the years she's so fucking scared. almost losing her family and her own life.

harry is now more self aware and more assertive. she has taken self defense classes and is way more aware of her surroundings.

sorry misses malik.

"it's okay daniel. what's going on?"

"i had a question about the assignment."

"of course. come on in. ill help you." harry smiles at her student as he comes into the classroom and sits beside her.

"what seems to be the problem?"
once harry gets home she locks the doors and turns on the alarms. harry smiles when she hears laughter come from the kitchen.

she walks towards the laughter and sees her daughter and babysitter sitting beside one another.

sara looks up and smiles at harry. "look who's here jas."

jasmine turns around and smiles hugely. she gets out of her chair carefully and rubs to her mother.


harry chuckles before picking her up. "hi baby! did you and sara have fun today?"

"mhm. missed you." jasmine holds her tightly. jasmine has also been affected by everything that happened. she's way more clingy to zayn and harry.

harry had to put her child into therapy because of the incident. she barely knew how to speak. but over the last three months things have been changing with her.

she's a lot more happier and she's starting to get less and less scared. in fact before she would only sleep in zayn and harry's bedroom.

it got to a point where they had to put her bed in their room. last month was the first time in the last year she's finally been able to sleep in her own room.

"i missed you too baby. let me talk to sara real quick, okay?"

"kay. gonna watch cartoons."

"okay baby. give me kisses."

jasmine kisses her mom gently on the lips before being let down and running to the living room.

"thanks so much sara. means so much to me that you're our babysitter. you're the only person that jas has connected with since everything."

sara nods understandably. "you three went through a lot. it's understandable that jasmine is the way she is. i would be too." sara gives her a sad smile.

harry hums as she pulls out her cheek book. "here."

sara shakes her head.

"this is way too much misses malik."

"it's a bonus. i insist."

"misses malik."

"sara. please take the money."

sara sighs but nods nonetheless.

"same time monday?"

harry hums as she hugs sara goodbye.
what the hell happened to zayn, harry, and jas?!

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