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"twinkle, twinkle little star. how i wonder what you are." harry sings to his daughter. she claps her hands excitedly. she loves this song. it's one of the few nursery rhymes she liked.

"like a diamond in the sky." jasmine cheers. zayn chuckles as harry finished the song.


"hi baby. how's my cute little girl?!" zayn starts kissing her all over the face. jasmine giggles loudly.

harry joins in.


harry laughs. "you're so cute baby. i love you so much."

jasmine points to her lips and harry kisses them gently. "my beautiful baby wants mama kisses."

jasmine smiles.

"can't believe we made the cutest human on the planet." harry states to zayn.

"i know. she so small and adorable."

harry hums in agreement.

harry walks into the kitchen to make himself and jasmine a snack.

"you want lunch babe?" harry asked zayn. "yeah. make me a sandwich love?"

"of course. can you hold baby girl for me?"

"mhm." zayn grabs her from zayn and begins tickling her a bit.

"i was thinking we should have our wedding here." zayn states.


"yeah. we have enough space. we're only inviting our close friends and family, yeah?"

"yeah. i don't mind having it here. cost less."

"baby, i told you, money isn't an issue. you know this."

"i know. but i wanna help out as much as i can. it'll make me feel better."

zayn sighs. money was never really a wound before. it wasn't like harry never pitched in with everything before. harry never took advantage of zayn and that's one of the things zayn loved about him.

but since they are out to the world, it's been a touchy subject. zayn didn't want harry to worry. but harry didn't wanna receive more hate.

especially since some people have been giving jasmine hate as well. she was just a baby. she didn't deserve any of this. zayn knew harry was still struggling with everything. this is why he has decided to continue to keep his comments off on his post.

zayn made sure to do the same whenever he post jasmine or harry. but it sucks when all they're trying to do is show a little bit of their lives to their fans.

"i just want you to have your dream wedding." zayn whispers as he kisses harry on the cheek.

"i know. im sorry im being such a downer."

"you're not. isn't that right baby?"

jasmine claps her hands. not understanding what her parents were talking about but liking she was getting attention again.

harry laughs. "god. you're so cute baby." harry kisses her cheek.

"mamamama." jasmine points to harry. "dadadadada." she points to zayn next.

"that's right baby." zayn hums.

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