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jasmine giggles as her father blows raspberry on her belly.

harry watches them with a huge smile on his face. he was holding a cup of coffee.

harry had been feeling really bad recently. the hate has been getting the best of him. zayn had noticed and suggested that he stayed off of social media a bit.

but harry loved sharing photos of their family. zayn knew this. but he hated seeing harry so upset but the comments.

so cute instead he suggested to turn the comments off. harry agreed and continue to share the beautiful moments of them as a family.

zayn looks over at his fiancé and waves. "say hi mommy." zayn grabs his daughter hand and waves it. jasmine just starts to carefully walk over to her mother.

harry laughs as zayn just smiles at them. he carefully picks his daughter up after setting down his cup of coffee.

"hi baby." harry coos at his daughter.

jasmine kisses her mom. harry chuckles. "you're so cute baby."

"you're both very cute." zayn walks over to them.

harry blushes as zayn gently kisses him. "what do you want for dinner?"

harry shrugs his shoulders. "i don't know. i want pasta."

"that does sound really good. wanna order?"

"mhm. gonna go change her. she's wet."

zayn hums as harry heads upstairs. he sets his daughter down on her changing table.

jasmine grabs her foot and begins putting it in her mouth. "silly baby." harry states as he grabs a clean diaper.

once she was changed they head back downstairs. zayn was in the living room with the tv turned to lilo and stitch.

jasmine claps her hands.

"you love lilo and stitch don't you baby?"

jasmine just continues to clap her hands as she babbles.

zayn chuckles as he kisses his daughter on the cheek.

zayn wraps his arms around his fiancé. "food should be here soon my love."

harry hums.

"thank you." harry whispers.


"just for being the best father and the best love ive ever had."

zayn smiles and kisses his once more as they watch tv with their daughter and wait for their food to arrive.

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