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Tw: manipulative and possessive behaviour in this chapter

The clock read 1am as Rindou entered your room. You were already ready, sat down on your bed, dressed in the clothes you wore once you left your house that night.

"Okay, let's sneak out while they're all asleep." He grabbed your hand, smiling to himself softly when you squeezed his out of pure excitement.

He didn't know why he acted this way around you. But he likes this feeling, so he intends on keeping you around for himself as long as he wants to. 

"Thank you once again Rin." You leaned your head on his arm as he led you down the stairs to the car park underneath the place.

"No worries." He spoke out, opening the door for you to enter.

"Which car is it?" You stared at all the expensive cars you were pretty sure you only saw in the adverts.

"That one." With a press of his keys, the car lights turned on. Stepping in the car, putting your seatbelt on as he started the car.

"You seem excited." He side eyed you as he drove you back home.

"I am! It feels like forever since I saw my family." You played with your fingers, admiring the view outside the window.

"Hm." He responded, before taking his eyes off you, to focus on the road.

The drive there was pretty short. Once you stepped out of the car, you were planning to run inside and lock your doors. But that won't be any good. He could just break them down.

You didn't think this through.

"Are you going to follow me inside?" You asked and he started to get suspicious of you.

"Yeah. Gotta make sure you don't run away."



"Will you ever hurt me? Or lay your hands on me?"

"The fuck?— no. Why?"

"Okay well...." you took a deep breath. "I'm not going back over there with you."


He felt offended that you even thought that was an option. Wait no— he felt angry.

"What so you're just going to live here? This sad pathetic life of yours?"

"Sad- I don't care. I don't need you Rin."

"What are you even gonna do here? Your family doesn't care about you. Your friends are non existent. You have nobody. Nobody cares about you."

"Tha—," you gulped. "that's not true."

"It is true. Just admit it. Stay by my side, I'll give you whatever you want."

"I don't wanna."

"You'd rather stay in a house where your parents favour your brother more than you?"

"No they don't. "

"Yeah they do. They're assholes. How stupid are you you can't even see that. Not once in elementary school did any of them pick you up, you always went home by yourself. Even in middle school." He moved closer to you. "They abandoned you."

"No— no they didn't."

"Yes they did."

"No they didn't!"

"Yes they did y/n. You have basically no family, friends. What do you have here that I can't get you ?"

"My freedom?"

He scoffed. "Stop being silly. Your life here is useless. Nobody here loves you. Your parents only started caring after you went missing. "

"You're lying Rin. I don't want to listen to you! I don't want anything to do with you or Bonten or—!" Your voice was getting louder and he quickly shut you down.

"Hey hey keep your voice down now. Come with me." He grabbed your hand and led you to the window, exhaling on it so he could wipe it down so you could see through it better. Your family were eating at the table, laughing and having fun.

"See that?" He placed his hand on your waist, rubbing small circles on it as he watched your face drop. "They don't miss you."

"They have to-,"

"But they don't y/n. Stop being stubborn and come back to me. You have no one here in this life."

You were speechless at this point. His words were getting to you. You didn't want to believe them, but staring at your family in the window. You just wanted to cry.

"Y/n?" He noticed your lack of response and turned your head to face him. Your face was full of silent tears. He adored the sight.

He was almost there. He wanted you by his side. He didn't wanna let you go. You made him feel things he didn't want to feel. All his life he pushed those feelings away, but only craves them from you. It was weird.

"I can take care of you."

"Rin..." you choked out but he stopped you.

"Shhh. It's okay. Let's go back home ok?"

With that you mindlessly followed him back into his car.


Yandere arc soon😝🤔🤨 sike /hj

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