Chapter 2

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Harry POV:

I had an amazing night's rest - almost too good. But I woke up still feeling somewhat empty. It was as if I needed... more. I wasn't sure what it was, but until I figured it out, I knew my thoughts would be cloudy and distracted. I could feel the tension in the other lads as well. There was something missing for sure.

I decided to go for a walk - clear my head a little. The boys were all asleep still, as they'd stayed up late. But I was full of energy. Or maybe it was anxiety. In either case, I needed to get moving.

I changed into some joggers and a sweatshirt, drawing a beanie over my unkept hair. I could worry about that later, but right now I just needed to get out of the house.

I sent a message in the group chat, knowing the boys would see it when they woke up, and told them that I was going out and would be back soon.

I grabbed my keys and hopped into my car. Our house was a little ways away from Central Park, and although I felt like walking, I preferred to skip straight to the pretty view.

There were few people about, which I was grateful for, as that meant a smaller chance of getting recognized or bombarded with paparazzi. I did one complete lap around the park, taking my time to enjoy my surroundings.

Walking felt good. It was something rhythmic that I didn't have to think about - I could just do. And the cold air was refreshing, definitely somewhat therapeutic.

I considered taking a second lap when I got a message on my phone.

Where r u? U've been gone for an hour - Liam

I chuckled, knowing he was the most responsible in the group and most likely to check up on me. As I was typing out a reply, I bumped into a young girl who I presumed to be walking to school.

"Hey, are you okay? I am so sorry-" I began, looking down at her. I instantly noticed the bruise forming on her face, and the thin shirt she was wearing. Not to mention, she was cut up and bloody everywhere. Frankly, she looked like she'd been through hell.

I tried to swallow my surprise and reached a hand out to help her up. "Do you need some help?" I asked, worried. She definitely did not look okay. Her eyes were sunken, showing lack of sleep, and she was incredibly thin. It was horrifying.

"No, no, I'm okay," she replied quickly. "I really should be going." She started rushing off, but I quickly grabbed her arm.

"Where are you going? Are you sure you're okay?" I said again, more concern showing in my voice.

She nodded again and headed off, walking briskly away. I stood, stunned, as she faded into background, as if she'd never been there. But in those few seconds, she had made a lasting impression on me.

I headed quickly to my car, ready to go home and tell the lads everything that had happened.


"And then she just... walked away?" Liam said, skeptical. We were having breakfast as I explained the morning's events.

"I'm telling you, there's something seriously wrong," I said enthusiastically. "We have to help her!"

"Whoa, slow your roll," Zayn interrupted. "We don't even know who this girl is. She could be a junkie or something." I noticed Liam nodding in agreement. "How would you even find her again?" he added.

"But we have to try! We can't just sit here and do nothing!" I exclaimed, frustrated.

"I agree with Harry," Louis adds. "We should at least figure out what's going on. Harry said she looked to be in her early teens, and junkies usually appear older than they are, not younger."

Niall nods. "Maybe we can go tomorrow?"

"Yes. We should at least go once more," I stated.

After some convincing and persuasion, the whole band was on board. We planned to scour the area the next morning in hopes of finding the girl.

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