Chapter 23

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Zayn POV:

This past week with Roselyn has been amazing.

And stressful.

And terrifying.

The constant fear that we're doing things wrong.

But the joy when everything goes right.

We tried to separate work and home for her. Practicing when she's asleep, taking video calls instead of driving out to the office.

She's been so distant. Eating less, spending hours in her room.

But yet, when she's out, she's all smiles. Cracking jokes, teasing Harry and Niall's cooking, and just being herself. And that's all that we've ever wanted for her.

Sure, maybe things moved too fast. A lot has happened in just a short amount of time. But I feel like my life, our lives, are so much better with her in it.

Roselyn's our girl, and we'd do anything to keep here safe.

When Detectives Benson and Stabler explained everything that was happening with her dad, it was easy to see how upset it made her, even though she tried to hide it.

I was furious of course. Seeing how they lived, it was a wonder he was able to afford an attorney, let alone make bail.

Once again, the justice system had failed Roselyn. All those times CPS was called, all the years she spent living with him when she didn't have to, all the hope that was beaten out of her. It was no wonder she found it hard to trust people.

Once the detectives left, Roselyn went up to her room. Louis wanted to follow her and to check in and see if she was okay, but Liam called a family meeting.

"What are we going to do?" he asked, running a hand through his hair.

Niall sighed heavily before replying. "I don't know."

"We have to make sure she feels safe. Because she IS safe, you know?" I said. "We won't let anyone harm her. She has to know that."

"I'm with you mate, but this must be horrifying for. Terrifying even," Niall replied. "Maybe we should ask Ace to increase security? Always go out with a full security detail, stuff like that."

"Go out?" Harry scoffed. "We haven't left this house in a week. Getting groceries online, doing zoom meetings. We were scared before the detectives came."

"He's right," Louis added. "We've been so worried about Roselyn. I mean she has to have noticed by now. No wonder she's so afraid - she sees how our fear affects us."

"So what are you saying?" I ask.

"I'm saying we can't respond to fear with more fear. We need to be united, to be strong. If we show Roselyn that her dad has no control over our lives, he'll have no control over hers either," Louis replies.

"Yeah that makes sense. So we need to talk to Roselyn, right? Check in and everything?" Niall says, and me and Harry nod in agreement.

"Okay. I'll go ask her down for lunch," Louis says.


It's after dinner, and Roselyn hasn't left her room all day.

The lads and I were really hoping to get through to her, but it seemed like she just wanted some space.

I had an uneasy feeling though, but I tried my best to ignore it. I chalked it up to anxiety about everything that was happening.

But one thing that always calmed my nerves was music.

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