Chapter 22

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Trigger warning: mentions and depictions of sh (***)

Roselyn POV:

There is silence in the car for a few moments before Louis asks me quietly, "Why?"

"There's something I need to get," I reply.

"I'm sorry to be so harsh but isn't it a crime scene right now?" Liam says.

"I don't know but I'm sure the landlord's changed the locks or something by now Rose," Zayn's says.

"Please," I ask again.

Another moment of silence passes.

"Tell me where to go," Harry says finally.


"This is where you live?" Niall asks as we pull into the alley next to the apartment. "I mean lived," he corrects.

"Mmhmm," I say, climbing over him to get out of the car. "You guys wait here. I'll be quick I promise."

"Be careful love," Louis calls after me as I shut the door.

I easily jump over the balcony and head to the bedroom window. Luckily for me it's unlocked, and I slide up the glass and squeeze in.

Nothing has changed. My father's room is still in the same filthy state it was in when I left. It doesn't look like the building super has realized that no one lives here anymore, but he probably will when the rent isn't paid in a few weeks.

I walk through the dark apartment, being careful about the glass littering the floor, and head to my corner behind the couch.

I grab the only book that I own - White Lilacs by Carolyn Meyers. I was forced to leave it behind when I ran away. Just like my mother left me behind when she left.

She had read it to me so many times, I lost count. It's one of the best memories I had of her.

I tried not to tear up as I clutched it in my hands, the cover worn and tearing. I wanted to start a collection of novels in my room, but it would never be complete without this one.

Afterwards, I turned back around and snuck out the way I had come. This was the last time I was going to be here, for real this time.

Ace was talking with the boys when I got back to the car. They were standing outside, waiting for me.

"Everything alright Rosie girl?" Liam asks, and I just nod.

When we get back in the car, I took a seat in the 3rd row by myself on purpose. I just needed a minute.

None of the boys mentioned it and eventually I fell asleep leaning against the window, my book tightly curled in my hands.


Back at the house I head straight up to my room and shut the door behind me. I place the book on my bookshelf and stand back to look at it for a few seconds. I shift the positioning of it for a while, and I collapse on my bed once I'm satisfied.

By the time I wake up, it's dark outside, and it seems to be very late as well.

I head downstairs, the microwave reading 1:13 am. There's a saran wrapped plate on the counter and a sticky note that reads "In case you get hungry Ro - ♡ Harry."

I smile but place the plate in the fridge, not wanting it to sit outside any longer. I hadn't gotten my appetite back yet and the thought of food gave me the slightest bit of nausea.

I head over to the living room where I find Louis and Zayn sleeping on the couch. They must have waited up for me but I never showed.

Instantly I felt really bad. I didn't want to cause them any trouble, and here I was making them worried.

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