Chapter 6

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Roselyn POV:

So... they saved me from that weird guy, which I'm grateful for, but I still have no reason to trust them. All I know is that they're somewhat stalkers or something. And the one who said his name is Harry is nice. And he has a British accent. They all do, and I think it's adorable. Funny, but adorable.

Naturally, I let them take me out to lunch. Free food is free food, and we're in a public place. I didn't give them my real name, and I knew they realized immediately, but that type of information had to be earned.

"So how old are you?" one of them asked. I looked up from the sandwich I was biting into.

"Umm, 18?" I said.

"How old are you really?" Harry said. I liked him, but he was starting to annoy me.

I sighed, taking a sip of my drink before responding. "Okay, I'm 15. And my name's not really Cady Heron. I just stole that from Mean Girls."

They all pretended to be shocked and surprised, which made me laugh. "My name is Roselyn. I'm sorry for lying about it earlier.."

"Hi Roselyn," the one with dark hair said. Zayn I think.

"Hello," I blushed in response.

"So... why aren't you in school?" Louis asked.

"Umm... I overslept," I replied, which kind of wasn't a lie. "But I - I should get going," I said quickly, standing up and grabbing my backpack. I could tell they noticed me wince at being on my feet again, but I didn't want them to ask me any more questions. "I promise I'll pay you guys back, I just don't have enough on me today."

"No need, love. Our treat," Niall I think says.

"Thanks," I replied.

"Where are you headed? Maybe we can drop you off?" Harry says, standing as well.

"No, no its okay. I can walk," I reply quickly.

"Are you sure? It's still pretty chilly out. At least take my jacket," he says, starting to take it off. "I insist."

"I'll be fine, its not too far." I say, already rushing out of the restaurant.

"At least meet us back here tomorrow!" Liam calls after me as I speed off, and I smile to myself about how much they care.

But I don't have time to think about them now. It will be dark soon, and I need to find somewhere to sleep. I'm glad I don't have to worry about eating till the next day, as I'm used to functioning with very little food. The cash I have saved up is just under $30, and in New York, that won't get me very far unless I use it wisely.

I keep walking, making a circle away from my neighborhood in case they're following me. I don't want them to find out where my Dad is, because that could just spiral into chaos.

I step into a public bathroom to quickly layer on as many clothes as I can manage, as I know nighttime is cold and I have a very small chance of getting into a shelter.

I find an alleyway that's covered, and there's an area near a vent that has heat. Not a bad place to sleep for the night.


The next morning I wake up late, and I can tell it's well after noon. I can also tell that without food, I'm not going to last out here very long. And then I remember those boys from the day before. If anything, I know they'd give me a meal if I asked.

As I walked towards the restaurant, still completely oblivious to what time it actually was, I felt really guilty that I was just using them. I mean, they offered, but I still felt wrong that I was just searching for my next meal.

I stopped, a little ways away from the window, and I saw them sitting inside, chatting and laughing. They looked like they had been there for a while, as there were a bunch of empty coffee cups around, but they'd still waited for me. And that made my heart pound a little.

I hesitated still. They looked so happy, and I didn't want to ruin their afternoon. I mean, I knew as soon as I walked in that they'd get that worried look on their face and ask questions that I couldn't answer.

But before I could turn around, Niall looked up and spotted me. Soon all they boys had smiling faces and came out to meet me. It was almost overwhelming the amount of love between them. They all gave me hugs, which made me cringe a little, and I was certain that they could smell the stink radiating from my clothes - the same clothes I was wearing the day before.

I couldn't dwell on all of that for too long though, because they dragged me inside and started ordering food. And it felt really good.

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