Chapter 15

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Roselyn POV:

20 minutes.

That's how long I was unconscious. To me, it was just a few seconds. I was walking with the boys and then I was laying on a couch. But to them it was eternally longer. I could see how much it rattled them, all of them.

When I first woke up, my eyes went past the paramedics that were next to me to Harry and Louis, tears in both of their eyes. I couldn't say anything. I didn't even have the strength to reach out to them. But, I could see, I could feel, how much they cared about me. How much they all cared about me.

My head was pounding. Someone gave me water and an aspirin. The paramedics examined me briefly. Nurse May was there too, asking Niall, Zayn, and Liam questions. Harry was standing by me. There was a random security guard. It seemed like there was a wall of voices outside. Everything was a bit hazy and chaotic.

I could hear bits and pieces of the various conversations around me, but I just wanted to go home.

Eventually, the paramedics stood and headed over to talk with Nurse May and the other boys. Harry followed, and at some point, the security guard slipped out, leaving me alone on the couch.

Seconds passed. Hushed conversations continued. The door opened and Louis walked in. No one else seemed to notice but me. We locked eyes immediately, and we both smiled, tearing up a little as well.

He headed towards me and joined me on the couch, giving me a tight hug and a playful punch in the arm. "Don't ever scare me like that again," he laughed, and I nodded a response.

"So.. what happened? What do you think is going on over there?" I say to him.

"I don't know," he replied. "We were all pretty spooked. To be fair, you fell unconscious in the middle of a busy mall," he joked.

"Yeah, that wasn't very responsible of me," I laugh.

We sit in silence together for a few more minutes. The paramedics finish covering everything with the guys. I catch Nurse May telling them to bring me in first thing in the morning, but that I needed to rest for now.

All three smile as they walk out. Once the door shuts, the boys embrace me in a tight group hug.

Words of worry, relief, and gratitude are exchanged. We take a moment to enjoy just being together,  before Ace knocks on the door.

Liam calls out "Come in," and Ace enters.

"Glad to see you're doing okay Miss Roselyn," he says.

"Thank you. For everything," I reply.

He nods a reply and addresses the boys. "May and the paramedics briefed me. Jacob pulled up the car and he is waiting for us at the security exit. Cole is already taking the second car home with all of the things. We should get moving before anyone notices and tries to follow."

Everyone stands as Ace leads us out past the security officers. I smile and wave at them as we walk past towards the exit, and mouth a 'thank you' as we head out.

The car ride is very relaxed. Ace and Jacob converse quietly in the front seats, with some light music playing in the background.

The boys and I are completely exhausted, and quiet for the most part. Zayn is on one side of me and Niall is on the other, and I lean on Niall's shoulder as we drive.

"How are you feeling?" he asks me softly.

"I'm okay. My head hurts. Still a little confused..." I say.

"Yeah, everything happened so fast. It was probably as scary for you when you woke up as it was for us when you collapsed. But we'll figure it out. We're going back to Dr.Thomas tomorrow."

I sigh. "She's nice enough I guess. But I've decided I don't like hospitals. Even if I've only ever been once," I reply.

He chuckled slightly, but I could hear the pain in his voice as he thought about this morning. After that it was quiet.


"Can someone stay with me tonight? I know it's a big ask but I don't want to be alone," I say quietly.

We were just finishing dinner. Harry was too tired to cook, and no one blamed him, so we ordered from their favorite Italian place. No one really ate much, and I only managed to keep down a few breadsticks before feeling nauseous.

The boys all looked at me, hesitating for a moment.

"I can stay with you again if you'd like," Zayn says.

"Nah, it's okay mate. You should get some rest. You stayed with her last night. I'd be happy to do it Rose," Liam replied.

"I would love to stay too, sometime," Niall says.

"And me," Louis smiles.

Harry doesn't say anything, and the other boys look at him expectantly.

"Of course I'll stay with you Ro! You're my girl," he laughs, and we all join in.

"Thanks guys. Really..." I say. "But.. umm.. I don't know about sleeping in 'my' room tonight. All the stuff from the mall is in there, and I know I said I didn't want y'all to put everything away yet, but it feels a little.. crowed? I don't know, I'm just not used to that type of stuff. Decor and new clothes and all that. It's just a little overwhelming."

The room is quiet again before Louis speaks.

"Love, I completely understand. You can sleep in my room tonight. Yeah?" he smiles, and I nod a reply. "Well then, it's settled."

"Goodnight Rose, see you in the morning."

"Goodnight love bug."

"Night night Roselyn, I'll see you later."

"Goodnight babe. Sweet dreams."

Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Harry each give me tight hug and a kiss before heading off to their own beds. I was not used to this much affection, but it was clearly so natural for them. They really showed their love for each other, and now, me.

"Are you sure you don't want me to sleep on the couch or anything?" Louis asks again.

"You're completely fine. I'm more comfortable around you. I feel safer- like I could actually get a good night's sleep for once," I reply.

"Okay Ro, but don't hesitate to roll me off the bed if I steal the blankets," he chuckles, making me laugh as well.

I mockingly roll my eyes. "Goodnight Louis," I say, finally allowing myself to lay down on the pillow and get some rest.

"Goodnight my flower," is the last thing I hear before I drift to sleep.

Always Love You: A One Direction Adoption StoryWhere stories live. Discover now