Chapter 16

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Harry POV:

We all slept in this morning, as yesterday was extremely hectic. But today there was a lot to do.

I got up around 9 and I was the first one downstairs. I decided to start on breakfast, setting out some cereal and fruit for everyone once they woke up.

I was cutting up some strawberries, Roselyn's favorite, when the phone rang. Expecting Dr. Thomas, I answered cheerfully.

"Good morning Dr. T, what's up?" I said.

"Hello, this is Detective Olivia Benson with the New York City Police Department. I'm from the Special Victims Unit. Is this the um.. Malik residence?" said a voice.

"Kind of. Me and all the guys live here," I replied, kind of confused.

"I was contacted by Dr. Thomas regarding Roselyn Williams. I understand she was placed in an emergency foster care home?" she continues.

"Yes... what is this about?" I asked.

"Is there a way we can get her down to the station? We'd like to speak to her concerning her father, Richard Williams."

I paused for a moment.

"If it's more convenient, my partner and I can come to interview her at your house."

I stay silent. After a couple of seconds, I reply.

"We just woke up. Roselyn's been through a lot in the last few days..." I say finally.

"I saw the articles, and I understand how hard this must be. But we need to move in a timely manner if we want these charges to stick," Detective Benson says. "The rape kit was a good first step, but there's still a lot more we need to discuss."

"Listen," I say, getting a little frustrated. "I need to talk it over with the guys, and with Roselyn as well."

"Okay. Call me back at this number when you can. Thanks," she says, and hangs up.

I sigh heavily, running my hand through my hair. We already had the doctor's appointment this morning. I was hoping we'd have the rest of the day to relax; get Roselyn settled in to her room.

I didn't have much time to think before a sleepy Roselyn wandered down the stairs.

"Hey love, how'd you sleep?" I ask, forcing a smile on my face.

"Alright," she mumbled, still groggy. "What are you making?"

"Just cutting up some strawberries for you," I say, picking up the knife again. "You think you have more of an appetite today, hmm?"

She shrugged, grabbing a seat at the counter.

"That's okay love bug, just try to eat something, yeah?"

She just nods, staying quiet. "Who was that on the phone?" she asks after a moment.

I hesitate for a moment, not sure how to respond. "Oh, umm.." I stutter.

"Was she a journalist or something? I heard her say my dad's name," Roselyn continues.

"No, no, sweetheart. She was a police officer. A detective actually."

"Oh." Roselyn replies. Another awkward moment passes before she speaks. "What did she want?"

"Just to talk to you honey."

"About... what happened?" Rose says, her voice cracking a bit.

I only nod, my heart breaking as I see teardrops start to stain her cheeks. I quickly rush over to her, hugging her tightly. "Shhh, it's okay baby. We'll be with you every step of the way. All the bad stuff is over now; he'll never hurt you again. You're safe." I continue to hold her in my arms, whispering sweet nothings in her ear until she calms down.

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