Chapter 14

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Roselyn POV:

In the car, the chaos resumes. The boys asked Ace to play music super loud, while at the same time singing along and talking over each other. I guessed they were trying to distract themselves as much as they were trying to distract me.

After some time, we reach the mall. It wasn't packed, since it was a random Thursday afternoon, but there were some people about. Harry considered asking Ace to drop us off at one of the smaller side entrances, but we ended up parking in the garage first so that Ace could walk in with us and not have to find us later.

I had never been to the mall before, so it was a little overwhelming. Still, I tried to power through for the boys.

The first stop was a kiosk by the door selling simple slides. Harry picked out a hot pink pair, which looked silly against my neutral colored outfit, but i didn't mind and was grateful to finally have some shoes on. They were soft and didn't hurt my cuts at all.

The next stop, which Louis suggested, was Pink, to get me underwear and bras and stuff. I knew it was uncomfortable for all them, but they joked it off and complained about me having to wear their clothes.

Once we finished there, we headed to a bunch of clothing shops and places with jewelry, shoes, etc. I noticed that more and more people were pulling out their phones and taking pictures of the boys, and probably me as well, as we went, but they all kept their distance. I figured it was because Ace and two more guys from the security team were following us. I could tell the boys noticed as well and were trying to play it off.

After we got all of the clothes they thought I would need, which was more than I could ever wear, they also looked at some things for my room. We picked out a whole new bedsheet set, with an exuberant amount of pillows, and some simple room decor.

A few hours later, we were completely exhausted. The security guys had already made two trips to drop off our bags in the car, and I didn't want to think of how much money the boys had spent. Plus, word was starting to get out that "One Direction" was at the mall, and more and more people started showing up, some obviously paparazzi.

I was starting to get anxious. I didn't want a repeat of what happened this morning. Suddenly it was hard to breathe. I felt like I was trapped in my own skin.

Louis was the first to notice what was happening.

"Guy, guys. Ro's having a panic attack. We need to get her out of here."

I couldn't hear anything after that. It was as if I was underwater. Everything went black.

Louis POV:

Today was shaping out to be an okay day. Everything that happened this morning was hard, and we would have to talk through it eventually, but right now we could focus on letting Rose be a kid.

Shopping was fun, and tiring, but it brought a smile to each of our faces whenever Ro would step out of the dressing room looking and feeling confident in what she was wearing.

The paparazzi started to catch on to us, which we knew would happen, but they mostly kept their distance.

However, as more and more people started following us around and more lights and cameras kept going off, I could tell it was making Roselyn a bit anxious. Hell, it was making me anxious.

The lads kept trudging on, trying to not let the paparazzi bother them, but we were all on edge.

After a while, I looked over at Roselyn, just to check in, and I could see she wasn't handling it well at all anymore.

"Guy, guys. Ro's having a panic attack. We need to get her out of here," I started to say. The boys all turned around, high on alert.

Rose was hyperventilating and shaking profusely. Within seconds of us stopping to attend to her, she collapsed.

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