Chapter 18

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Niall POV:

Louis and Liam sit at the kitchen table, staring intently at Louis' laptop. They're discussing Roselyn's doctor's appointment this morning, and trying to see if there are any good teen psychologists they can get an appointment with.

Harry is still in the kitchen, busying himself with cooking and trying not to sulk. Roselyn's condition hurts him, deeply I can tell.

"Hey, it's going to be okay," I say, walking up next to him as he stirs the tomato soup.

"Yeah, you lads keep saying that. But I just have this feeling. I don't know how to describe it. Everything is happening so fast. I mean, it was just this morning that I was talking to a detective, and Ro fainted just yesterday. I can't help but worry that we aren't doing enough - that we won't be able to give her everything she deserves," he replies.

"Hazza, we're all in this together, okay? This is too much pressure to just be putting it on yourself. We will work through every obstacle," I say. "And right now the major one I can think of is my belly. So let's finish up this food and have a nice lunch, yeah?"

"Mmhmm," Harry mumbles a reply. I can tell he's not completely convinced, but I know the only person he really needs reassurance from is Roselyn.

"Guys," Zayn says as he appears at the bottom of the stairs. "I think she's starting to trust us."

"Where's Roselyn?" Louis asks.

"She went in her room to lie down. But she stopped by the music room first and listened to me try out some chords for a song I'm working on," he replies.

"The room by the stairs? I saw her standing outside the door," Liam adds.

"Yes. I didn't notice her at first but then she came in and it seems that music really soothes her. Which is a good thing since we are a boy band after all," he continues with a chuckle. "I brought up the tour - accidentally - and she seemed really uneasy about it. I think she thought we would leave her behind. But I promised her we wouldn't... We aren't leaving her behind, right?"

"Take her on tour with us? Are you sure she's ready. Her situation is so... fragile..." Liam says.

"Well we can't leave her behind, under any circumstances," Harry says.

"No, I don't want to leave her behind either. But still, Liam is right. A lot is going on..." I add.

"Guys, it's a year away. We will be supporting her through everything. And she doesn't have to go if she doesn't want to," Zayn replies.

"Well, true but soon we're going to have rehearsals and appearances and lots of time in the studio and away from home even before the tour begins," Liam retorts.

"Can we just not talk about this right now? At the very least we're going to have a few months to ourselves. We have time to figure this out with Simon and with Roselyn. Let's not jump to any conclusions just yet, okay? One day at a time," Louis says with a hint of finality. "How's lunch?"

"Basically done," Harry says, turning back to the stove. "I suppose it's wrong to eat without Roselyn but she probably needs the rest."

"I could take a plate up to her room?" Zayn suggests.

"She'd probably just feel isolated up there. Separate from the rest of us," Harry shakes his head.

"I can go up to her and see if she wants to come down and eat," I offer, and the boys nod.


Roselyn POV:

I just needed a moment to rest and breathe. Zayn's words replayed in my ear. The promise that he made to me.

I looked around my room and all the things that were in there, waiting to be unpacked. All the love that the boys had given me.

I wanted to believe them when they said they cared for me. I think most of me is beginning to. Of course, there is still that part of me that doubts. Remnants of the way I had to think to survive my father. That no one could ever love me. That I would have to look out for myself always.

I sat down on the bed and laid back, my head resting on the soft pillows. I wanted to get these voices out of my head, to be at peace. Maybe one day I will be.

A few moments later there's a soft knock on the door.

"Ro?" a voice calls out.

"Come in," I reply, sitting up and leaning back on my hands.

"Everything okay in here sweet pea?" Niall says.

"I'm good," I say. "Just need to lay down a bit. Clear my head or something, I don't know."

"Alright love. Well, lunch is ready if you want to join us. We can also bring a plate up for you, or you can eat later. It's up to you," he continues.

I take a moment to think before replying. "I think I'll eat a bit later. I might sleep a bit."

Niall nods. "Sweet dreams Roselyn," he says, closing the door behind him.

My stomach grumbles but I ignore it. I need to release this tension inside of me and then I'll be okay. I'll be able to eat lunch with the boys, to accept their presents, to believe when they say these beautiful things to me. I'll be able to take a decent nap or even get a good night's sleep.

Once I'm sure Niall is gone, I crack open the door. Making sure no one is there, I tiptoe into Zayn's room and his adjacent bathroom. Opening the drawer I find a few razor blades, sharp and unused. I pocket 3 and head back to my room.

As I'm walking in the hallway I come across Liam.

"Oh, Rose, you decided to join us after all?" he asks, a bit quizzical.

"Mmhmm," is my tight reply.

"Okay, I just needed to grab something from my room. I'll meet you downstairs," he replies before stepping into his room.

So I'm trapped. But I put myself in this situation.

Still, I quickly step into my room and hide the blades under my pillow before going downstairs to see the boys.


Liam POV:

That was weird, I think to myself after passing Roselyn in the hall. She seemed startled to see me, more than usual. Especially considering since she was coming out of Zayn's room.

I don't think she knew that I saw her, but it can't be a huge deal. I can't imagine what she'd want in his room though, but I'm sure she had her reasons.

I head back down to the kitchen where the lads plus Roselyn are eating a very informal meal at the kitchen table.

The air isn't tense when I return, and I let out a sigh of relief I didn't realize I was holding. In fact, it's quite the opposite.

Harry, Niall, Louis, and Zayn are chatting while Rose is sitting quietly in between them. Nibbling at her food but eating nonetheless.

"Only Harry would mess up a simple tomato soup!" Niall was joking as he dipped his grilled cheese sandwich in.

"You put something in it when I wasn't looking!" Harry defended, making Roselyn and Louis laugh.

"Oh and what was that? Tomatoes?" Zayn teased.

"Yes," Harry continued. "Everyone knows tomato soup doesn't have any tomatoes in it. He's ruined my recipe!"

"Well, we can't have that," I add in.

"No, certainly not. From now on Harry, since you're so good at cooking, you have to make your tomato soup from scratch. No canned anything," Zayn says.

"Yes. No canned anything," Niall smirks jokingly.

"I- uh-" Harry stammers for a second before we all burst out laughing.

"You're red as a beet mate!" Zayn laughs. "Relax, we would never force you to do that, or the results might end up even worse for us!"

"Don't worry Harry, I'll teach you how to cook," Roselyn says.

"Thank you Ro. It seems you're the only one here who cares about me," Harry says, giving me and the lads a sour look. We all feign offense and then proceed to burst into laughter again.

Always Love You: A One Direction Adoption StoryWhere stories live. Discover now