Temporary Fix

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|Warning|: A lot of smut ahead, if you don't like reading smut, then don't read it at all, please don't send hate either.

A/N: The Larry in this story are 2021 Larry btw, jsyk ;)

Today it was Louis' birthday, and Harry had something very special on his mind. It was 9 AM, Louis was still in bed. Harry slowly tiptoed out of the bed, and went downstairs to the kitchen. He made eggs and bacon, Louis' favorite Yorkshire tea, and some pancakes. After setting up the plate, he went up, to wake up Louis. He had the breakfast tray in his right hand, so he turned door knob with his left hand and opened it. There he was, all sound asleep, the sunshine on his skin making it look golden, he was art, made in the heaven. How did he get so lucky to have someone like Louis in his life, Harry thought to himself. He went towards the bed, he set down the tray on the bedside table. He sat next to Louis, admiring him. He was so pretty, so gorgeous, so cute, so beautiful. So sweet n humble. Sassy, well ObViOuSlY, but still the purest soul. Harry was lost in his thoughts, he didn't even notice that Louis is now fully awake n aware of his presence, and is smiling back at him.

"Good Morning Haz" said Louis still smiling up at his soul mate. Harry said "Good Morning Loubabe, Happy Birthday !!!" Louis chuckled and said "Thank(fank) you Love." Harry took the tray and placed it in Louis' lap saying "Special Breakfast for a Special Boy" while winking. Louis raised his eyebrows at Harry, "Oh, and who might that Special Boy be?" while smirking. "Hmm, he is short and sassy, curses a lot." Louis burst out laughing, and spilled his Yorkshire tea. "Oops" said Louis while making a disappointed face. Harry replied while laughing hysterically "Hi; oh god Lou, c'mon let's clean you up." Harry got some tissues from the last drawer of the bedside table, and told Louis to take the blanket off of his body so that he could clean the tea. As Harry started wiping the tea on his chest, he pinched Louis' right nipple with his other hand. Louis bit his lower lip, a low moan escaping his mouth. Harry finished cleaning the left pec, and moved the tissue towards the right pec to clean, while taking the left nipple in his mouth, biting on it hard. Louis makes the most loudest pornographic sound Harry has never heard. It sent shivers down Harry's dick, he was so hard right now, the bulge was showing through his sweats. Louis was still in bed so he was wearing only boxers. After cleaning everything up, he pulled back and told Louis to have his breakfast first, said that he promises he will make up for this in the night. Louis' sister's and everyone surprise him by visiting him, because nothing was planned as per Louis, only if he knew what Harry had been doing all these days clinging to his phone in the bathroom.

The day went in a frenzy, the most perfect 30th birthday. But the best part had still yet to come, Louis had totally forgotten the morning mess. When Louis was undressing to get in bed, like taking off his birthday outfit, Harry came out of the bathroom completely naked, his hair messy, his dick dangling as he walked towards the bed. Louis was unbuttoning his trousers when Harry opened the door, the moment he looked up, he could feel the pre-cum leaking from the tip of his dick. Harry was standing besides the bed, checking his phone. Louis watched his every move, he took 5 minutes in total just to take off his trousers, by then there was a wet tent-shaped spot on his boxers. He was still looking at Harry's dick, which was bouncing every time he moved. He had already taken his shirt off before Harry came out, his nipples tightened hard watching Harry's dick move every time. Harry was finally done with checking his phone, and he looked up at Louis, smirking down at the huuuuge bulge "Hmm, you got a problem in your downstairs." Louis looked down at his boxers, he let out a breath he was holding in for don't know how long "Fuck". Harry replied, "Yeah you, FUCK ME." Louis said, "No, I want us to try something new." "Oh and what is that?" asked Harry still smirking. Now it was Louis' turn to smirk, "69ing". Harry's dick started turning bright red. Louis smirked even more, and took off his boxers, his dick slapped hard against his tummy, his pointed looking down at his dick and looked up at Harry saying, "You see this? It's leaking already-", he started walking towards the bed, running his thumb through the slit of his dick, a moan escaping his mouth, "- because of you." Harry bit his lower lip in anticipation of what might happen next. Louis collected all of the pre-cum on his thumb, and smeared it on both of his nipples, making them glaze and shine. And now it was Harry's dick's turn to leak pre-cum. Louis climbed on the bed moving towards the headpost, walking on his knees, making his bright red and thick dick bounce on his thighs, oh how much Harry loved that sight, a moan left Harry's mouth just by seeing that. Louis looked at him, "You're moaning already eh?" he said with that shit-eating smirk still on his face. He laid down on the bed, upside down, his feet on the side of the pillow, and his head at the end of the bed. Harry climbed up on him, the moment Harry climbed on him, he flipped them over, so that now he was on top of Harry. He started grinding his bare crotch against Harry's, creating friction, a moan escaping from both of their lips. Louis looked down at Harry dead in the eye. Harry said "Wait", he pushed Louis away got up and opened the 2nd drawer of the bedside table. Louis was so annoyed, he said "Why the fuck did you do that?" Harry looked at him and gave him short rough kiss. He took out Bluetooth Bass speakers from the opened drawer, he closed the drawer and connected his phone to the speakers, he set them on the floor. He laid down, turned on repeat mode and pressed the play button, the song started playing ... Saw your body language and I know how you're feeling... You look like the kind of girl that's tired of speaking... Standing with somebody but he doesn't know what you like... Louis was so turned on by that. He went to his original position, laying down on his back, he pulled Harry on top of him in such a way that Harry was facing Louis' dick, and Louis was facing Harry's dick. Louis placed both of Harry's feet under his head, and he moved Harry a bit, so that now, he was facing Harry's arse. He kissed and bit both of Harry's cheeks multiple times, which earned him quite loud moans. Harry gripped Louis' dick for support as he was about to lose his balance when Louis spit on his arse hole, Louis went Cloud 9 when Harry gripped his dick... You caught my attention, you were looking at me first... All that I can see's you waking up in my t-shirt... If you're not hooked on anything right now, I can be your vice... Louis sucked on Harry's hole with all the strength he had, Harry started pumping Louis, and Louis moaned against Harry's hole while sucking, which sent vibrations right to Harry's dick and balls. Harry reached for his dick with his free hand, he was just about to touch when Louis bit on the rim with full force. Harry cried out, his hand falling down on the side, Louis said "No touching", Harry only whimpered as a response. Louis said "Use your words princess" while he started tongue fucking Harry. Harry gasped very loudly, he was out of breath, his messy hair now sticking to his forehead, he grunted "Aaaah Fuck!! Yes, I won't touch myself, but make me come please!!!!" Louis said "Sure Princess, only if you behave though" Harry cried out again, "Fuck yes, I will behave! I promise! Please make me come!!!"

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