Part 4

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Y/n, Wanda & Nat: yeah, of course we do!

You guys put the tv on and choose a show to watch, Wanda puts her head on your shoulder and Bruce looks at you guys.

Bruce: ok Nat come here if they cuddle we cuddle

Y/n:*you laugh* are you jealous

Bruce:no I just feel lonely *he laughs*

Nat goes over and cuddles with Bruce then 15 minutes later your dad comes in.

Tony:y/n you might want to go start getting ready for training it will be starting soon

Y/n:ok bye guys I'll see you all soon

Wanda, Bruce and Nat: bye y/n

You and your dad leave and he takes you to the training room on the 2nd floor.

Tony:so you getting along with everyone ok

Y/n:yeah but I don't like Bucky I hate him

Tony:hate is a strong word y/n, but sometimes the right word. Just try get along with him

Y/n:not until he apologises

Tony:ok then have it your way, after you are set up I'll call the first person down

Y/n:why don't you go first since you are here already

You get your dads file out and he takes a seat.

Y/n:Tony Stark here it is

Tony:ok well what's first

Y/n:mesmerising numbers, letters and patterns

You guys train for about a hour then Tony sends in the next person then they send the next etc then last you see Bucky's file.

Y/n:ah just great, Steve can you send Bucky up please

Steve: yeah sure he'll be up in a minute

Y/n:thank you Steve

You sit and wait for Bucky, it has been a hour since Steve went to get him and you organised all the other files into a pile that will be checked by your dad to see everyone's strengths and weaknesses.

Y/n:you know what I'm not waiting any longer he wants to train he can train himself

Just after you say that Bucky barges in, looking like a toddler who has just had a temper tantrum.

Bucky:listen about last night

Y/n:I don't want to hear it, now sit down we are starting with memorising letters, numbers and patterns

Bucky:what's the point in that I thought this was training not school

Y/n:stop acting like a baby and listen

Bucky:how am I acting like a baby

Don't you hate me {y/n x Bucky enemies to lovers} Where stories live. Discover now