Part 41: The plan takes place...

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*The texts*


Y/n:Steve answer you god damn phone!

Steve:hey y/n what's wrong

Y/n:you need to go to Bucky's room asap it's really important I'll be up in a minute just go now don't tell my dad or anyone!!

Steve:ok I'll see you there

You run and get Wanda, she follows you to Bucky's room. When you get there everyone is there waiting for you guys.

Bucky:ok we thought of a plan

Wanda:a plan for what?

Y/n:well me and Bucky were planing to sneak me on a mission

Peter:I'm in! We need you out there it's brutal

Steve:yeah after last time I think she caught onto that, we just need to keep you out your dads sight

Bucky:I'll manage that

You look over at Bucky, you guys smile at each other

Y/n:Nat, Wanda, you guys in


Wanda:yes but I'm sure we are all curious what's going on between you two, am I right


You look at Nat you know she is confused on what you are going to say considering she isn't sure what is going on between you and Bucky.

Peter:can we please know

Peter does some adorable puppy eyes that are impossible to say no to.

Y/n:omg Peter you know I can't tell you no

Peter:exactly so...

Y/n:Bucky I give in he's so cute

Wanda:OMG!! Really you two are...

Bucky:yes we are dating ok no big fuss

Steve:wow that's amazing, I'm happy for you guys does Tony know

Y/n:yes my dad knows

Bucky:ok back to the plan

Wanda:it's sorted except for how we are sneaking a full human on a plane

B:I have a old winter solider outfit y/n can wear I'll go in after you and if they ask me I'll say I came off to get something

Y/n:Bucky do you know how much taller then me you are

Bucky:I know...that's the can carry something heavy in cause they won't notice you hight

Y/n:then I'll need to use my powers to help me carry it

Peter:I'll help cause you are taller then me so that will help hide your hight

Wanda:I'll walk on behind you and do something to distract people and make you hidden to everyone else

Steve:we got a plan then


Peter:boom pow

Nat:boom pow wow

Wanda:boom pow wow haw

Steve:boom pow wow haw taw

Bucky:don't even try it

Y/n:buck don't be a bore

Bucky:only this once tell anyone I'll murder you

Everyone:ok we got it

Bucky:boom pow wow haw taw faw

You all laugh and you hug Bucky, he puts one arm round you, he kisses your head.

Bucky;I'm getting you back for this

Y/n:I'll count this as a part of a apology for everything else


Don't you hate me {y/n x Bucky enemies to lovers} Where stories live. Discover now