Part 1

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You are going to see your dad (Tony Stark) at avengers compound for a job and potentially in future, to become a avenger. Happy is driving you there the now but it has been quite with some small chat between you two.

Y/n: so how long until we are there?

Happy: about 5 minutes, why are you even going?

Y/n: to help with training,aunt in the future I could become a avenger.

Happy: yeah right, you think your dad will put you in danger, you would need magic to convince him to even let you be near at a mission never mind fight in one.

Y/n:I know... but you never know with him maybe one day he will let me

Happy: keep dreaming, y/n

You roll your eyes and slump back into your seat death staring happy. Five minutes later you guys arrive at the compound and you get out while happy gets your bags,

You just stand staining up at the building, super exited that you are actually there, happy brings your bags in and you follow him up into the elevator.

Happy: someone is excited

Y/n: yeah I've wanted to come here forever but my dad's never let me

Happy:well today is your lucky day, kid

Y/n: thanks happy

You guys get up there and your dad is waiting for you already, he puts his arm round you and begins to lead you where everyone is waiting in the meeting right room.

Tony: guys this is my daughter y/n, she is here to help you guys train for missions

Wanda:hey honey, how are you

Y/n:I'm good, how are you

Wanda:I'm great thanks this is vision

Vision: hello there, y/n, you look lovely

Y/n:thank you, vision

Everyone says hi to you except one person who stares at you the full time slightly squinting his eyes.

Steve:this is Bucky, he's not a big fan of no people but he will get used to you eventually

Y/n:oh ok well I'm going to start heading up to my room

Tony:oh it's on the 5th floor 4th room the the right

Y/n:ok thanks dad
You take the elevator to the 5th floor and go to your new room. It's extremely fancy and you see your bags beside your big bed.

Don't you hate me {y/n x Bucky enemies to lovers} Where stories live. Discover now