Part 5

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Y/n:because from the second I got here you have been rude to me and yesterday when I bumped you by accident you had a tantrum about it

Bucky:well your the one acting like a baby why don't you leave what happened at the play park at the play park in case you don't understand that means what happened yesterday doesn't matter today

Y/n:of course I know what it means I'm not fucking stupid now hurry up and get this over with so I don't need to see you until at least dinner

You guys do the memory tests and then onto the physical tests.

Y/n:ok now take your top off


Y/n: because I want to see you topless*sarcasm* why do you think it's for the training everyone has had to

Bucky rolls his eyes and takes his top off, your eyes widen slightly as you see his abs and you sit there looking at him.

Bucky:what is it do you like the view?

Y/n:no, I'm trying to think about what the first test is...oh that's it I just want you to work on strength and stamina first

You guys finish and then Bucky sits down unground of your desk again, using his top to wipe away the sweat.

Y/n:ok well that's us so you can go

Bucky:ok well do you need a hand

Y/n:no I'm sure I can manage

Don't you hate me {y/n x Bucky enemies to lovers} Where stories live. Discover now