Part 36 "what happened!"

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Bucky:PETER! You weren't meant to say anything

Peter:it's only us who know

Steve:well we will all forget about it, so only y/n and her dad know ok

Bucky:she can't erase memory

Wanda:we will all pretend we don't know until we actually forget

Tony:just don't bring it up around her ok

Nat:non of us will don't worry Tony

Sam:well we do have a mission

They all go to their mission, you go downstairs after they left, you can only find groot because he hasn't gone to the mission.

Y/n:hey, groot

Groot:I am groot (hey, y/n what's up)

Y/n:I'm good groot just a big decision you know it's difficult I don't want to upset Bucky- OOPS let's just forget I ever said that please

Groot:I am groot (fine, but why would you upset him)

Y/n:I got myself in a situation and the only way out is Myles or Bucky

You lay in the couch to think, the full time the avengers are away you think about Bucky and
Myles. Groot climbs onto the couch and sits on your stomach looking at you with his head tilted to the side.

Groot:I am groot (why are you so stressed)

Y/n:cause I want to make the right decision but I don't want to upset people, tell me what you think. So there is one person who I've known for longer but they haven't always treated me that nice although we have a good history together and have known each other for a long time. Then on the other hand there is someone who clearly cares about me a lot we didn't get along straight away but we get along better now and he doesn't usually open up to people about how he feels.

Groot:I am groot (I think you should go with the second one which I'm assuming is Bucky)

Y/n:thank you groot, I feel a lot more ready to tell him now but you can't tell anyone about this it's our secret

Groot:I am groot (our secret)

You and groot fall asleep on the couch and wake up to everyone coming back in. You sit up and groot climbs onto the top of the couch to see what everyone is doing and saying.

Y/n:omg dad, what happened!

You dad has a massive cut down his face that is bleeding uncontrollably and his suit is clearly damaged, you run over to him and he is quite out of breath.

Tony:don't worry I'm ok y/n, it's just a cut

Y/n:what happened

Tony:I got thrown into a building

Y/n:OMG!! Why

Tony:it happens one time an alien wiped my face with a planet

You pass out and Bucky catches you, you are still unconscious so he picks you up in his arms like a baby.

Bucky:where should I put her

Tony:ehh take her to her room and lay her on her bed

Bucky goes into the elevator with you, you begin to wake up but pretend to be unconscious still to see what Bucky does.

Bucky:it will be ok doll don't worry your dad is fine

Don't you hate me {y/n x Bucky enemies to lovers} Where stories live. Discover now