Part 33 "im proud of you y/n"

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Nat: you know what come here Bucky we can cuddle as well

Nat and Bucky cuddle together and you all laugh at them, you don't get annoyed or jealous because you know Nat wouldn't do anything bad to you.

Thor:why dose no one cuddle me

Bucky:come here Thor

Thor lays in the middle of all of you and cuddle as you all.

Peter:how come y/n got the best bed

Bucky:why do you think, Peter she definitely isn't Stark's daughter

Peter:oh yeah I forgot about that

Your dad comes in with your washing, he puts it down on the side of your cabinet and looks at all of you.

Tony:do they know about that thing I saw earlier

Y/n:no it's only Nat but I'll explain the full thing to you later ok

Tony:ok but until then you are grounded

Y/n: I know dad

Tony leaves and Peter looks up at you.

Peter:wait what's going on

Y/n:oh it's nothing don't worry

Thor:what's being grounded like

Y/n: well the same as not being grounded he just says I am but I still do everything I normally do

Nat:damn your lucky, what did your dad see

Y/n:well you know that thing with that person he found out

Peter:that you and myles broke up?

Y/n:yeah that, he liked myles

Nat:ohhh I know what you mean

Bucky:I've just caught on but ohhh

Thor:I still don't know what's going on

You all talk and stay there for a little longer then you leave to go talk to your dad. You got to the room he is in and he is waiting for you.

Tony:right I want to know everything

Y/n:ok so it all started after me and myles broke up for the first time, me and Bucky were in the kitchen icing my arms cause myles hurt them. We were talking and joking around then he kissed me, we agreed not to tell anyone then he left, we were doing that for a few weeks while you were away and you came back after we got in a argument and I told him I didn't want to talk to him and we made up today and you caught us kissing that's all that's happened between us

Tony:I just don't like it, your my little girl y/n I'm not ready for you to grow up

Y/n:I know dad but in 21 not 7 anymore I need to grow up

Tony hugs you and you guys stay hugging for 2 minutes. He lets you go and you smile at him.

Tony:I'm proud of you y/n your finally going into your own journey and living your own life

Don't you hate me {y/n x Bucky enemies to lovers} Where stories live. Discover now