Part 29 "cause i like you y/n"

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You lay down not realising Bucky is still there and cry into your pillow, you are upset because you genuinely liked Bucky, you feel like he completely betrayed you when he told you what he done. You turn and face away from the door. Bucky slowly shuts your door without you hearing, after a while you fall asleep crying and Bucky lays beside you, he raps his arms round your waste then he falls asleep with you. When you wake up you freak out a little cause you don't know who is hugging you then you see one metal arm and instantly know it's Bucky.

Y/n:Bucky get up

Bucky slowly wakes up but when he dose he doesn't move his arms he just looks at you, you can see he had been crying cause his eyes were still red and puffy, he tries to smile at you but struggles since he is still really upset. You slide out of his arms and you both sit up.

Y/n:why are you in my bed

Bucky:cause I need you y/n

Y/n:I don't care, just get out

You text myles to come over although Bucky doesn't leave he just goes on his phone. You look up and see him still there.

Y/n:Bucky please stop this we can talk when I'm ready

Bucky:when will you be ready y/n?

Y/n:not the now, I have someone coming over so leave


Y/n:since you are always up in everyone's business it's myles

Bucky looks at you and you can tell you have shattered his heart. You get out of you bed it Bucky just sits there you see his eyes fill up with tears then he stands up, he still hasn't said anything to you but he places his hands on your cheeks and looks down at you, you look up at him and he says something.

Bucky:just be careful please

Y/n:why would you care

Bucky:cause I like you y/n

Bucky let's go if you and you watch a tear roll down his cheek then he leaves, you think to yourself: it's probably better he leaves anyway the longer I avoid him, the quicker I'll get over him, I genuinely thought we had a lot between us that is the one secret I would let him keep from me.

Don't you hate me {y/n x Bucky enemies to lovers} Where stories live. Discover now