Part 19 "what just happened"

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Bucky:c'mon doll let's go

Y/n:not having itttttt

Bucky laughs and you walk to the kitchen together, when you get to the kitchen you trip over Bucky's foot and he catches you.

Bucky:oh sorry doll

Y/n:barnesss! last chance


Bucky:oh I do it to annoy her she's hilarious when she's annoyed

Wanda tries to read Bucky's mind but you stop her. She turns you you but you pretend not to notice anything, although she know it's you stopping her since your the only one able to.

Nat:so where have you two been

Y/n:we were in the living room with Peter until he left

Clint:Bucky you know that Sharon girl

Bucky:ugh her what about her now

Steve:she will be here soon and you need to be nice cause she dose have a crush on you

You look at Bucky and just play along hiding the fact you are jealous.

Y/n:aww Bucky has a little fan girl

Sam:she loveeeesss you Bucky

Everyone laughs, Bucky tackles Sam and they start laughing

Sam:oooh that got the spot I've been trying to crack my back for days

Bucky:you weirdo honestly what the fuck

Bucky is laughing at Sam and you sit beside Clint and Wanda.

Wanda:what happened in the living room

Y/n:nothing why?

Wanda:I know you are stopping me from reading Bucky's mind

Y/n:I said something I was meant to say in my head and I don't want anyone finding out

Wanda:ok I'm sorry for pushing it

Y/n:Wanda it's ok, you and Nat are like my aunts in this place, I know everyone thinks there is something between me and Bucky I'm not stupid but there isn't we aren't even friends.

Wanda:well at least you don't hate each other as much anymore

Clint:wait what's going on

Y/n:it's just girl chats don't worry Clint

Clint:ok well what should I get my wife for our anniversary

Wanda & Y/n:teddy bear, a dozen roses and a big box of chocolates, duhhh!

Clint:ok I think I got it should I make a special like thing for it or just give-


Everyone turns to you guys in shock.

Steve:what just happened

Clint:oh I was asking them about my anniversary with my wife

Nat:teddy, a dozen roses and chocolates, make it special don't just hand her them

Don't you hate me {y/n x Bucky enemies to lovers} Where stories live. Discover now