Part 27 "whats your name miss"

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Y/n:I know your not, that's what makes it so funny

Peter:I-I actually can't believe that

You and Peter finish your food and go shopping, Peter is waiting while you are in the changing room trying on a dress.

*Peters pov*

I'm waiting for y/n when all of a sudden my arm hairs stand up I look around and hear people screaming from outside, I sit up and run out to see what's happening. When I get out there there is a alien with some cool blaster thingy I begin to fight it when it blasts me across the place then when I get up there is some new person wearing a mask fighting against the alien and not going to lie they were destroying the alien. I go over and help them out when we beat the alien I take off my mask and go over to them.

Peter:what's your name miss

They don't answer me instead they run off and I go back to check y/n is ok I don't go in the changing room but I stand outside and wait for her to come out. When she dose she is wearing a pink and purple marble dress that is short but not to short, I stand and stare at her she looks breathtaking.

Y/n:well what do you think

Peter:you look amazing

Y/n:thank you Peter I'll go change back and we can leave after I pay for it

You go change back and while you are changing back you remember you need to put the mask back without Peter seeing.

Y/n:shit, how am I going to put this back without him noticing

You change back into your normal clothes and go out to Peter hiding the mask behind your back.

Y/n:is everything ok Peter you look lost

Peter:it's just there was some alien thing I was fighting and some girl came and helped me fight it but she just ran off instead of tell me who she was or anything

Y/n:there was a alien!

Peter:yes it was here while you were trying on the dress

Y/n:maybe she is shy or just doesn't want anyone to know her identity

Peter:maybe your right but why isn't she a avenger she was amazing, she had some cool powers and could fly

Don't you hate me {y/n x Bucky enemies to lovers} Where stories live. Discover now