Part 15

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Nat:do I need to say it

Y/n & Bucky:no!

Myles:what were you going to say

Nat:oh they are like best friends

Bucky:her ew no I would rather be friends with a bug

Y/n:you would rather be friends with Scott then with me

Bucky laughs because he didn't even realise what he said and he found what you said quite funny.

Bucky:that was a good one I won't lie

Nat:dose your dad know about Myles

Y/n:yeah but he doesn't know who my dad is

Bucky:why doesn't he know?

Y/n:cause my dad lives in Britain so I got a job working for stark

Nat:yeah did she not tell you

Bucky:no but I don't even know her last name never mind who her dad is

Myles:y/n can we go for a chat

Y/n:yeah of course let's go the now

As you are walking out Nat notices Bucky staring at you,she scrunches up a piece of paper and throws it at him.

Nat:hey stop staring at her

You and Myles are out in the hall, he takes your hands but isn't smiling at you,

Myles:hey y/n I'm just going to put it out straight...I don't think we are going to work out

Y/n:what! Of course we are

Myles:no we're not!

Y/n:we will work out I know we will

Myles:you are living up here, with all these amazing people and I'm still in a little town we won't work out

Y/n:trust me we will make it work ok

Myles pushes you against the wall, he is really angry and starts to shout

Myles:NO WE WONT!!

Bucky:get off her now


Bucky:who do you think you are shouting at

You stare at Bucky in shock that he is standing up for you. Bucky grabs Myles by the throat and Myles lets you go.

Myles:I'm sorry I'm leaving now

Myles runs out and Bucky turns to you and doesn't really show any kind of emotion.

Bucky:are you ok?

Y/n:not really he hurt my arms

Bucky takes your hand, then takes you to go and get ice for your arms to stop bruising. Bucky sits right in front of you, quite close to you and softly puts the ice on your arms.

Don't you hate me {y/n x Bucky enemies to lovers} Where stories live. Discover now