Part 17 "wait stark's?"

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Bucky comes in and sits on the couch opposite you, you look up from your phone and see Bucky, you smile at him and he looks towards the door to see if anyone is there.

Bucky:you alright, doll

Y/n:yeah I'm ok and you still aren't calling me that

Bucky:ok, ok whatever but do you know why Peter is sprinting about

Y/n:oh yeah he's looking for my dads glasses

Peter runs back downstairs to you with Tony's glasses.

Peter:I got them! They were exactly where you said they were

Y/n:told you so

Bucky:what's going on?

Peter:y/n helped me to find mr Starks glasses

Peter runs over and hugs you.

Peter sits beside you and you put your arm around him, he goes on his phone and you look up at Bucky and he gives you the 'what's going on look'. You gestures to you phone that you will text him.

*The texts*

Bucky:what are you doing

Y/n:I'm not doing anything Bucky

Bucky:your sitting with your arm round Peter, honestly you can't kiss someone one minute and then cuddle up with someone else the next!

Y/n:Bucky! He's 17 and he's like a little brother I wouldn't date him since it's illegal and it would be weird he cried over loosing some glasses

Bucky bursts out laughing when he reads your text message you turn off your phone and giggle with Bucky.

Peter:what's so funny

Bucky:oh nothing Peter, don't worry

Peter looks at you and you just shrug while laughing.

Bucky:wait Stark's?


Bucky:oh not the first time then

You begin laughing more and Bucky laughs with you Peter is sitting there still really confused until some random girl comes in.

?:ehh peter you ready

Peter:oh hey mj yeah I'm ready

Mj:ok well let's go

Y/n:bye Peter have fun

Peter:bye y/n

Peter leaves with the girl then Bucky comes over to you and lays his head across your lap and puts his legs across the couch as you play with his hair. You both sit in your phones and every so often you look down at Bucky.

Y/n's mind:he's so handsome, if only he could be mine

Bucky's mind:is she looking at me? Oh she is I better smile or she will think I'm angry

Bucky smiles at you, you smile back before going back to playing on you phone then all of a sudden Myles texts you.

Don't you hate me {y/n x Bucky enemies to lovers} Where stories live. Discover now