Part 9

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Peter:ok I'll get it done now miss stark

Y/n:just call me y/n

Peter:ok y/n

You go up stairs and knock Bucky's door.

Bucky:come in!

You walk in and Bucky rolls his eyes, you make another face at Bucky and he sits up and tilts his head to the side.

Bucky:well are you going to stand here and stare at me or are you going to tell me what you want?

Y/n:what type of pizza do you like?

Bucky:any I don't care

Y/n:ok well don't complain if I get you one you don't like, come downstairs I need to keep a eye on you

Bucky:I'm not going anywhere until you fix my hair

Y/n:sorry no can do

You walk out the room and run into the lift, when Bucky catches up to you he just makes it into the lift when the door shuts he presses the button to go Down to the 3rd floor then pins you onto the wall.

Bucky:just fix my hair and we won't have a problem

Y/n:no Bucky now let me go

Bucky:no cause you won't fix my hair

The lift door opens and everyone sees Bucky grabbing you agains the lift wall, Steve runs over as fast as he can and drags Bucky off of you.

Steve:Bucky you can't do that to her

Bucky:why not

Steve:because you have a metal arm and you have the super solider serum

Bucky:but she deserves it ever since she's been here she been a idiot to me

Steve:Bucky you didn't even say hi to her when she got here your the idiot

Y/n:can we just leave it I don't really care to be honest

Bucky:y/n I'm sorry-

Y/n:I don't care just leave it Bucky

Steve looks at Bucky and is clearly annoyed, you walk out the lift and sit with vision, Wanda, Thor, Clint, and Peter while you all come wait for the pizza to get here.

Thor:y/n are you ok

Y/n:yes I'm fine now can we just watch tv or something

Vision:you sound irritated are you sure you are ok y/n


You burst out crying and Peter wraps his arms around you while all the rest rush over to see why you are crying.

Don't you hate me {y/n x Bucky enemies to lovers} Where stories live. Discover now