|2| The power of coffee

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A single rose can
Be my Garden...

A single friend,
My world.

~ Leo Buscaglia


waking up the next morning, pain shoots up my back up to my neck, my headaches begging for more sleep and coffee, But my insomnia is even worse at work and I would be lucky if I managed a couple of hours of sleep,

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waking up the next morning, pain shoots up my back up to my neck, my headaches begging for more sleep and coffee, But my insomnia is even worse at work and I would be lucky if I managed a couple of hours of sleep,

My eyes slide over to the clock to see the time, 6:15 am

'Great' I mumble to myself

I slowly get up from the couch feeling drained from working on the papers all night, along with the project I was doing for wren

I slowly make my way down to the cafe that's just down the street and get a coffee for Mr.Huxley along with myself,

As I'm walking back I see a homeless man on the sidewalk shivering, I immediately feel a pang in my chest, we're in New York and it's freezing right now, the man barely has a jacket on making me shiver just by looking at him,

I take a look at my phone to see it's 6:25 am...I have 10 minutes till I need to be at Mr.Huxley's door

I can make it...but even if I do the coffee will be cold

I think over for just a moment and realize getting a blanket for this man is more important than my boss's hot coffee, he can survive on drinking it lukewarm just this morning

I quickly make my way to a convenience store down the street and buy a blanket, some water, snacks, and a gift card to a sandwich place

I walk back down and walk up to the man handing him the bag with everything in it

"Have a good day sir I hope this helps" I smile down at him

His face immediately breaks down into a grin, which swells my heart and breaks it all at the same time

"Thank you so much sweetheart, you have no idea how much this means to me," the tears welling in his eyes and voice breaking make me want to hug him,

"It's no problem really...keep yourself warm" I manage a small smile as my heart breaks, it's crazy how much we take for granted the little things in life...

Like a blanket and some food, this man is beaming in excitement over it, and yet we just go on about our day not realizing how lucky we are,

I look down at my coffee and feel that it's still quite hot

"Hey, do you like coffee?" I ask

"Of course" his laugh comes out hoarse with a little cough

"Here you go, hope you're not allergic to sugar, cream, and caramel goodness" I manage a little laugh as I shrug

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