|5| Lunch with a not so grump

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Let us live like flowers,

Wild and beautiful
And drenched in the sun

~ Ellen Everett


After ordering our sandwiches we take a seat on opposite sides in the corner of the shop near a window, giving us a great view of the busy streets of New York

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After ordering our sandwiches we take a seat on opposite sides in the corner of the shop near a window, giving us a great view of the busy streets of New York

After a moment of us getting comfortable and unwrapping our sandwiches I hear a deep chuckle that sends shivers all over my body making me freeze in place,

Looking up from the sandwich that I'm very excited to devour I see Aaron looking at me with an amused expression, his eyes never leave mine making me shift uncomfortably in place

"What?" I tilt my head in confusion trying my hardest to make myself look calm and relaxed as if his chuckle did nothing to me or my body

"Nothing...you just seem like your happier to be looking at your sandwich than talking to me" he shrugs while a small smirk makes its way on his beautiful face

"Well that's because sandwiches are the best food ever and I would totally pick a sandwich over you" I grin mischievously

"You would pick a sandwich over my company?...ouch" he places a hand over his heart causing me to laugh

"By the way it's just some bread with random shit in it...I would think I'm way better than that" he says with a small frown making it's way on his face

I gasp "you take that back! It's the most delicious food out there, it's very handy to eat while walking, or even working, and they're pretty easy to make, you can also put so many different things in then"

"well guess I know what to get you to cheer you up if necessary " he chuckles once again

I smile as I shake my head at his comment,

I take a bite of the sandwich and I can't help the moan that escapes at the bite I took...

I hear a grunt in front of me, knitting my brows I look up at Mr. Huxley...or should I say Aaron, and I watch him massaging the bridge of his nose then shift uncomfortably in his seat

"Do you have a headache? We can leave if you don't feel good" I say placing my sandwich down giving him my attention

He gives me a look that says that I'm stupid to which I frown when I ask "what's wrong?"

"Was it really necessary for you to moan while eating your damn sandwich " he gives me an unimpressed look

Oh....OH, oops.

"It was a moan-worthy bite!" I roll my eyes shrugging

"It's a sandwich how good can it be," he says breathing weirdly

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