|16| dominos number

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The only thing better
Then seeing your smile
Is being able to kiss it.


It may not be very noticeable to the human eye, but I don't like a lot of people, there's a difference between being nice just to be a good person and genuinely wanting to be nice to someone,

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It may not be very noticeable to the human eye, but I don't like a lot of people, there's a difference between being nice just to be a good person and genuinely wanting to be nice to someone,

I don't usually show angry emotions because I'm not quite used to people caring for my feelings, but it's mostly because I don't want to be a bother or a pain in the ass,

But I couldn't ignore the people who were being rude to Henry behind his back,

God, I was so angry, my blood was boiling at the pure ignorance of the people at work, how they completely disregarded the possibility that there was a reason he dressed the way he did,

He deserves the same amount of respect as one does who wears a thousand-dollar suit, he deserves the kindness that any person should receive, and he deserves to be treated like everyone else in this building.

They don't get how much he went through, and laughing and saying he is homeless and that he works here out of pity is disrespectful,

I feel guilt rise in my stomach, maybe I shouldn't have tattled to Aaron, I have an unfair advantage with Him since I'm dating him,

And I can't help but feel like I used that in a way to make sure the people wouldn't say anything about Henry, granted I didn't expect Aaron to fire them but I should've known, but at least they got transferred so they still have jobs.

It's Tuesday which means lunch with Aaron and talking about the rooftop, he said we don't have to do it anymore because I have henry to help me but I still like getting lunch with Aaron

So we agreed to have just lunch from time to time instead

So after I get done with work I close my computer and head to henry to say goodbye

"Bye henry have a good day" I smile

"Bye Vanessa, you have a great day as well" he smiles hugging me

Henry already looks happier being able to be in a work environment and having a home

I will forever be thankful that Aaron helped change his life

After talking to henry for a little bit I lightly knock on Aaron's door twice

"Come in" I hear his voice and there's no grouchiness to it whatsoever and it immediately makes me smile

"Hi" I smile walking in and closing the door behind me

"Hi" he laughs

I can listen to that beautiful deep laugh of his all day long

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