|32| racing hearts

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If someone makes you feel
Let them.

~Reyna biddy


                                  ~Reyna biddy                                                               _______________

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"I don't give a shit what you want, you're not coming back to work here" I spit out

She leans on my desk, intentionally inching her dress higher up as she batts her eyelashes acting as if she doesn't know what she's trying to do,

"Oh come on it would be so much more fun around this office if I worked here again" she smirks and bites her lip,

I'm attempting to contain my anger, I know Vanessa doesn't like it when I scream at people, so I don't do it...well when she is around that is, and at the moment she's in her office which is just down the hall,

It's been about a week since she had her period and for the whole week she was moody and no doubt would have ripped some of my hair out if she found out I yelled at someone,

But this morning she acted as if she was never moaning in pain just mere days ago, she came into my office grinning giving me my coffee then thanking me for the flowers I got her,

Every week she smiled so beautifully at the flowers and it just makes me want to keep buying them over and over again to receive that smile I desperately want and crave,

She calms me and brings me joy, so I close my eyes and think of my sunshine,

And try to calm down...for her, I breathe in and out slowly,

"Get the hell out of my damn building right now," I say louder than I was anticipating,

Well guess that whole breathing shit didn't exactly calm me,

She pouts "oh come on Aaron, you can't tell me you haven't thought of me...maybe in a more unprofessional way" she purrs as she rounds my desk closer to me,

I jolt out of my seat before she can touch me,

"Get the hell out, and it's Mr. Huskley" I spit out in anger

"I don't think of you, I don't care about you and I certainly don't want you anywhere near me, so get these ridiculous fantasies that we end up together out of your head and get out of my building before I have you thrown out," I say lowly

"I don't mind the image of you throwing me around" she smirks

Are there genuinely people this stupid on this earth, who just don't understand a simple request?

"I'll make sure the only way you're sleeping is on the side of the road if you don't leave...remember the job you got right now? I can make a simple call and have you fired," I say sternly

"I know the people you work for and with one call they won't hesitate to throw you out of the building, so I suggest you never come back here if you want to keep the job you have"

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