|49| our final goodbye

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And like the moon, we must
Go through phases of emptiness
To feel full again.


                                     ~Unkown                                ______________

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*play the song when stated, Really recommend you turn it on for full experience*

Another week goes by of pure torture of walking around the office acting like Aaron and I were never together, countless meetings of acting professionals, and trying my hardest to stay strong in the general vicinity of him.

I remember he asked me the morning after almost getting raped if I was doing okay, it was sweet that he went out of his way to ask when he's been so distant, the cold-hearted boss he's been recently has lessoned after what happened, but he's continued with the professional greetings and speaking when only necessary which hasn't changed,

What has changed is he has me go home an hour earlier so it's not dark out, it makes my heart flip at the notion he cares, but you can care about someone and still be mad at them.

His eyes always end up going up and down my body lingering on my neck area seeing if my bruises are better even though most are covered by clothes, it's sweet he cares and I ended up telling him one morning in the elevators that the bruises are healing and don't hurt as much anymore, he nodded and thanked me for telling him and I saw his shoulders relax as if he needed me to tell him that.

Today is my homeless organization meeting and talk, I'm very nervous but I'm excited to try and help some people and get them started on a better journey for themselves,

I doubt Aaron will be there because I didn't invite him knowing it would be when we weren't together, but he knows its today and that fills me with a minuscule amount of hope that he would come, yet I won't blame him if he doesn't,

I drive down to the building I rented for the talk and see Henry already inside, he's going to be a guest speaker that will show that it's possible to get out of a hard spot in your life, Victoria can't be there since she lives in the Netherlands but she did agree to a video call, shes been sending me pictures of her belly growing and updating me on her health so I know she's okay.

"Hey Henry" I smile walking up to him to give him a hug

"Hello, Vanessa how are you feeling about today?" He asks

"A little nervous but mostly ready to try helping some people" I nod and take a deep breath in

"I'm proud of you" he smiles warmly

"Thank you" I whispered


I watch the room fill with over sixty people that are homeless or in a very rough space in their life, it both breaks my heart yet warms it, it hurts knowing there are so many people sleeping on the streets or not even able to feed themselves, but yet it makes me happy that there ready to try making there life a little better,

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