|45| push up kisses

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And like the moon,
We must go through phases
Of emptiness to feel
Full again.


I wake up and groan as I feel my head pulse from a headache, I reach for my phone but end up touching a rock-hard chest

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I wake up and groan as I feel my head pulse from a headache, I reach for my phone but end up touching a rock-hard chest

I freeze for a minute when I realize I don't remember much from last night...just me talking to a bartender and then I think I went to the park,

I take a deep breath in and am hit with the smell of Aaron...


Oh, good it's not a random man...

Oh no...how did I get in his bed?

Shit, I don't remember talking to him last night

I open my eyes to see a sleeping Aaron, I see a glass of water and an Advil,

I take it and drink the whole glass and get up to pee careful to not wake him up,

After I get done with the bathroom I see Aaron awake and sitting up against the headboard with his arms crossed

And he looks pissed...

Holy shit, what exactly did I tell him last night?

"Come here," he says poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue

I walk over slowly and he sits me down so I straddle his lap "first off..how's your head?"

I clear my throat "hurts kind of" I mumble

He nods and looks over my face and I can tell he's trying to keep it together, this is the same face he has when he doesn't like what he hears in a meeting and Is trying not to rip everyone's heads off, his jaw is clenched and eyes narrow with eyebrows furrowed a little,

He grips my chin so I'm looking straight at him and takes a deep breath in "now tell me why you got drunk off your mind and didn't even think to tell me beforehand Vanessa"

"I- I didn't want to bother you," I say quietly

It's a half-truth...I actually didn't want to run the risk of telling him about my heart but...whatever

"Bullshit..." he spits out

Yeah...kind of is

"You know I would've been right next to you the entire time just like you were for me when I got drunk, how is that fair to me Vanessa?" He says with anger radiating off of him

"Tell me how it's fair for me to get a call from you at 2:30 in the damn morning to hear you drunk off your mind in the middle of a park all by your damn self with no one to keep you safe," he says swallowing harshly

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