|61| weakening heart

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Healing doesn't mean forgetting.

~J. B

 B                                              ______________

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| a month and a half later |

I feel my body radiating in a glow since we got off the plane,

A week in paradise, going to New Zealand, Rome, and London, and finishing off the trip with Paris.

My cuts and bruises have healed, but the memories will live under my skin for an eternity, the vacation gave me time to heal at least physically and keep my mind away from the bad for just a moment,

It took me a couple of weeks to finally speak about what happened in there with Aaron, he cried...so much, and I cried, both of us holding each other, thankful that I got out of there.

So I started talking to a therapist after confessing to Aaron that I still wasn't okay, even after talking to him about it, so he searched for the best one in New York and I started talking to her online,

And when we get back home, I'll have meetings from time to time in person.

I remember on the plane to our first location we saw the news and it made my heart speed up yet also gave me peace at the same time,

Wren Lee and David Katz were found in a northern inn on the weekend, police officers on the scene closed the case as a suicide.

I was surprised that Enzo and his friends or whoever they were, managed to make it look like a suicide, I thought the police would see right through the crime scene they made at the hotel but...they proved me wrong,

It was strange to think about the both of them just not...here, the both of us will continue living life not thinking much about the two of them, that thought alone causes a spike of fear to make its way throughout my body,

"What's wrong?" Aaron's voice is soft as he sits next to me on the couch, his touch is gentle on my cheek as he moves my gaze toward him,

"Will-you remember me when I'm gone? Or will I be just a distant memory, just some girl you got to date for around a year?" My whispered confession makes his face contort into a sad almost pained expression,

"I will never forget you Vanessa Adler...but I already told you if you go down I'm going down with you, I refuse to live in a world where all your sunshine is gone, I will do anything in my power to ensure you never have to think about horrid thoughts like those, and you are not just some girl I date...you are a girl I love with my whole being" he whispers

"Thank you again for the trip" I murmur as I sit up slightly and move over to his hold,

"You don't have to thank me...it was something we both needed...just us, no work, and especially for you to take some time to work over some things" he cups my face his eyes hold softness...and love-so much love,

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