|3| hot whispers

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They mistook my kindness
For weakness.

~ Lana del Rey


The meeting comes to an end in a painfully slow manner, I'm almost falling asleep by the end of it to the point I feel a bump on my leg, glancing up I realize Mr

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The meeting comes to an end in a painfully slow manner, I'm almost falling asleep by the end of it to the point I feel a bump on my leg, glancing up I realize Mr. Huxley bumped his leg into mine, his expression is tight 'stay awake' he mouths

'Sorry' I mouth back before turning away from him

I instantly feel my cheeks go pink in embarrassment, I clear my throat sitting straighter trying to prevent myself from dozing off once again, I have insomnia and usually have a hard time falling asleep...which results in me constantly feeling tired at work.

The meeting finally comes to an end, wren is currently finishing up 'her' project in front of the board

Throughout it I watch everyone in the room smile slightly and nod along to the idea, I hold my breath hoping they consider the idea I've been thinking about for months, I never thought to bring it up to anyone in fear of rejection or feeling like my idea wasn't good enough, but there facial expressions make me wish I brought the idea up sooner,

Yet when I take a glance at Mr. Huxley i see a tight expression on his face, his jaw is clenched and brows furrowed, I slump slightly in my seat realizing maybe the idea wasn't as good as the room made it out to be, especially if Mr. Huxley doesn't look impressed about it whatsoever

"And that's my project" she smiles proudly watching everyone smile and nod along

I notice she makes no effort to even say I helped with it or anything,

I mean the idea I had for the rooftop of the building, with using it for meetings and events for better business opportunities was a good idea...maybe even great,

I had a whole layout planned to make the space an efficient way for new possible clients, I wanted a bar to the side, some beautiful couches, and some plants, I felt it would be the perfect use for the space that's been ignored all the time, clients can wind down and relax and make business deals, then maybe some food would be made,

I love baking and cooking it's something I love doing after a long day of work so I could've made the food myself,

It would be a perfect way for Mr.Huxley to get great business deals on the rooftop since clients can be more compliant and more likely to agree to a deal when there surrounded by a nice environment, winding down with food and a drink.

But I didn't get credit, I mean I didn't ask for it but I thought since I made the whole project from scratch that she would say something, at least maybe a thank you, but I was very wrong, she played it like she made the whole thing up herself, as if she spent hours writing it and making the boards and the designs on how the rooftop would've looked like,

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