|21| heart attack

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Even in the chaos,
Don't forget to kiss.

~Tess Guinery

"Sweetheart breathe" Aaron whispers every so gently as his hand moves up to squeeze the back of my neck,

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"Sweetheart breathe" Aaron whispers every so gently as his hand moves up to squeeze the back of my neck,

"I can't" I choke out gasping for any air I can manage to find

Aarons says its been thirty minutes, but I swear its been hours since they took henry, it's felt like hours of not knowing what's going on, and hours since my heart has continually been skipping multiple beats too scared to function normally,

Everything's been a blur since Henry was taken, I lightly remember the memory of walking inside my apartment and breaking down the moment I sat next to Aaron on the couch, his concern was evident on his face as he watched me break down not being able to give him answers to his questions,

He held me as close as he could without putting pressure on his stitchings, he began whispering sweet words to me, his hands roamed my back, arms, and neck area as he massaged and tried comforting me to the best of his ability,

And when I finally caught my breath and told him what happened in between heavy sobs, he watched me with sadness in his eyes, knowing nothing he could do would fully help me calm down until I heard that Henry was alive and well, so he just lets me cry on his shirt, soaking up the fabric with my fears and worries, he held me close assuring me I'm not alone,

His body trembles against mine and I'm hit with the biggest amount of pain as I realize he must think his kidney was rejected, I want to be the person there for him who assures him and tells him it will be okay, but I'm barely able to breathe let alone utter a singular word at the moment,

"Vanessa you're shaking, please stop shaking" he whispers with a crack in his voice

"What if he dies" I clutch his sweatshirt with my hands, fisting it closer to me, as I lift my head to look at him,

I feel like I'm choking on my tears at this point

A tear slides down his cheek and I wipe it away without realizing it

"He won't die" he whispers, shaking his head

"H-how do you know that" I manage to get out

"Because I just do" he whispers tears following down his cheeks, making his previous statement seem like a disguised lie

"You're crying Aaron, you don't even believe yourself" I whisper trying to keep the tears at bay

He rests his forehead against mine

"he can't die he's my only family apart from you, I can't lose any more people I care about," I say starting to hyperventilate

"Hey, hey Vanessa look at me," he says sternly taking my chin and moving it upward so I meet his gaze

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