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Your eyes
stole All my words



The next morning I'm woken up to a raging headache, hazy memories come back of never-ending tears and heartbreaking memories, I'm put in a numb state as I get up to shower and get dressed in some black business pants along with a red blouse,

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The next morning I'm woken up to a raging headache, hazy memories come back of never-ending tears and heartbreaking memories, I'm put in a numb state as I get up to shower and get dressed in some black business pants along with a red blouse,

I was gravely mistaken when I thought I would look better today, I thought after a night of sleep I would look normal, but the bags under my eyes and the redness showcasing how much I cried last night makes me frown,

I feel a prick of annoyance as I take in my appearance, I put concealer on and end up throwing it across the room, it seems that makeup isn't on my side this morning and just accentuates the fact I cried a river,

"Gosh dang it" I whisper to myself realizing I have to get to work and have to accept the fact I won't look my best

I throw my brown waist-length hair in a ponytail, put some red lip tint on and head out the door,

As I'm walking to the cafe after my taxi ride memories flash from last night of me walking to get roses for my parents, then buying some water, food, and a hat for Henry on the way back, but I didn't get to give it to him last night so I brought it with me today.

I see him huddled up in a blanket as I walk closer to him

"Good morning henry" I smile standing right in front of him

The way his whole face lights up and his eyes squint from the way he's smiling makes my smile wider,

This man has been through God knows what and yet he still holds a smile on his face, it makes my heart hurt and ache thinking about him out in the cold all night probably wishing for the warmth and comfort of a bed and roof over his head, It's times like these that I wish I was a billionaire so I could get him an apartment, and help him start a better life.

"Good morning Vanessa, how are you" he grins looking over my face, but it slightly drops a moment later

"You look like you've been crying" he frowns with a concerned look in his eyes

"It's all good, I did but I'm okay I promise, here I got this for you" I smile giving him the bag, shrugging off his comment

"Thank you," he says looking in the bag

"You can tell me if you want" he smiles slightly

"No problem, I have to get to work but I promise it's ok and I'm ok" I try my hardest to seem very happy

"I can tell you look broken in a way, it reminds me of the expression I make when I think of my daughter" he smiles but it's sad and small

"You have a daughter?" I whisper realizing at this moment that I don't know much about this man's situation

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