|46| forgive me Aaron

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You left too soon,
I wasn't done loving you yet.


The very day I've been dreading comes too fast, saying goodbye to the man who's made me feel loved feels like death, saying goodbye is what I know is for the best today, Goodbye to our relationship

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The very day I've been dreading comes too fast, saying goodbye to the man who's made me feel loved feels like death, saying goodbye is what I know is for the best today, Goodbye to our relationship.

my heart knows it is for the best since I'm dying,

The week was everything and more, but it will all crumble to the floor when I end it,

The high of love and laughter will all dissipate and burn in a raging fire I have to create all on my own.

At work today, I experienced the longest yet shortest day, we had a meeting about the project for Enzo Moretti's building which was the only thing that managed to keep me busy enough to forget the hurt.

Aaron and I are now laying on his couch cuddling, I know I have to do it, right now, yet my mouth won't open, I feel as if I've gone mute and my brain is on a roller coaster that I can't even mentally catch up with.

When we kissed I savored that kiss, Every touch, every smile, and every good feeling I savored.

I know that this was the last time we had sex.

The last time we kiss.

Our last happy moment until everything crumbles to ashes.

And I want to break down crying right now at the reminder.

I don't want to hurt him.

I don't want to lie to him.

But I have to.

The longer I stay the worse the pain will be for him I remind myself.

And I hate it with all my heart that I have to hurt him,

I already miss his hugs, his kisses, and smiles and I haven't even left his grasp,

Why does it have to be this way?




I feel my heart shattering, the reality that everything will change just mentally pains me.

I kept asking for reassurance and felt scared that he would leave me,

Yet I'm doing that to him.

I'm despicable...my heart is a monster along with me,

How dare I start a relationship with a man knowing I'm dying,

How can I be so damn cruel?

I feel like such a fool,

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