| 67 | besties right?

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He's the one I prayed for.

~I'm still praying and waiting for mine ;)

Vanessa can barely sit on the couch with her excitement, she fiddles with her wedding ring, twisting it around her finger,

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Vanessa can barely sit on the couch with her excitement, she fiddles with her wedding ring, twisting it around her finger,

And I shamelessly watch her cute expression and happiness seeping out of her,

"Ugh why are they taking so long?" she groans letting her head fall back on the couch.

I chuckle and pull her close to me, I kiss her cheek "they'll be here soon, and then you can gossip and squeal as long as you want"

She narrows her eyes at me "I don't squeal and gossip"

"Mhm...I'm sure you don't, you're girls, I guarantee they'll spend ten minutes gushing over your ring and that we're married, they'll cry when you tell them your healthy, and then you'll have them tell you everything that's been happening since you last hung out" I shrug eating a bite of my muffin

Her mouth hangs open and she stares at me "what in the-how? Do you spend time with a group of girls on your breaks? How would you know that" she stutters

I smirk and take another bite and after swallowing I say "you girls are pretty loud, and last time they came here let's just say you three aren't the only ones who have...how did you put it? Juicy tea on people"

She grabs the muffin out of my hand and takes a big bite, "you don't deserve this muffin"

I can't help but smile because even when she has an attitude she's just adorable

"Stop smiling at me like that" she huffs

"I can't help it...I love my wife" I grin at her quickly blushing face

I watch as she attempts to not smile, but she fails as a big grin appears across her face,

"I love you" she mumbles as she looks away with a smile

I pull her flush against my side and kiss her forehead "you want me to leave while you guys hang out here?"

"No, you can stay here" she sighs dramatically

I lift her chin and press a kiss to her lips, happy she's being sarcastic with me instead of feeling down like how the past few months have been.

I'm proud of her, it's been difficult for her after the transplant, guilt weighed her down for a while, and I had to keep a watch over her to make sure she wasn't feeling depressed in any way, she went through rehab to help with the healing, but it was a long difficult process.

It was hard on me when we went to thank the family who gave their heart to me, but we got through it together.

There's been a lot of tears, and some anger, but she's strong and has come out with a smile on her face.

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