Narry~ Hide and Seek

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(A/N here's another one-shot!! I almost didn't finish this, because I broke today /: but I'm so glad I have people on twitter I just love them all so much! Sorry for any spelling, still doing this on my iPod! Read the A/N at the ending please ^_^ enjoy my bbyz NARRY!! Warning; idk mild cursing is all.)

Narry; Hide and Seek 


Harry's POV; 

"Hazza! Wake up and feed my tummy!" I groaned and pulled a pillow over my face. Niall has been jumping on my bed for the past 5 minutes complaining about how hungry he is and how I need to get my ass up and cook him something NOW. I sighed and threw a pillow over my face.

"I swear Harold, my stomach is going to eat its self if you don't cook me something! Babe please?" He stopped jumping and sat down next to me with a cute little pout on his lips. I smiled at him and he smiled back, his braces shinning from the light seeping through the curtains. I stood up and got of the bed, throwing a pair of sweat pants on, and grabbed Niall's hand.

"Let's go leprechaun." he giggled and took his hand away skipping down the stairs. Really? How does he have so much energy. When I got to the kitchen Niall was already raiding through pantries and refrigerator. So far he had out eggs, bacon, bread, nutella, waffles, and pancake mix. My boy sure knew how to eat! At the moment, he was looking for something up high in the cabinet. I yawned and scratched my shirtless chest.

"Babe? What are you looking for?" he turned around and pouted again, he was to adorable.

"I can't reach the chocolate chips. I want chocolate chip pancakes!" he turned around again jumping trying to reach them. I chuckled and walked over to the Irish lad dressed in just blue plaid boxers, and stood behind him wrapping my arm around his tiny frame, and reaching my hand up to grab the chocolate chips. I handed them to Niall and smiled at him.

"Thanks love." he pecked my cheek and went to start the bacon. Soon we finished cooking and we sat down to eat as the lads came down. Liam walked in first, followed by Louis, then a tired looking Zayn.

"Epp chocolate chip pancakes!" Louis screeched and pushed Liam over and grabbed himself a plate and stabbing 3 pancakes onto it. Li groaned and stayed sat on the ground.

"Thanks for that Lou. I really wanted to get trampled." Liam spits out sarcastically as Zayn reaches a hand out and picks him up. Zayn sniffed the air and his eyes got wide.

"WAFFLES!" he screamed and pushed Liam back down on the ground jumping over Louis and grabbing a waffle. At this point Niall was choking on laughter and was leaning on me for support, Liam was still sprawled out on the ground like a star fish, Louis looking very 'disappointed' with our behavior even though he was the one to start it all, and Zayn was munching on his beloved waffle. I let out a loud laugh and went to pick Liam up. He huffed and mumbled but sat at the table nonetheless. We finished eating with only 2 drinks spilled, Niall choking on food from laughing so hard, Liam getting pushed out his chair by Louis, and Zayn with syrup sprayed in his hair. We all got showers and washed up for the day. Once me and Niall finished having fun (wink wink) and having our shower me went down and started watching tv. Liam came down fixing his plaid button up shirt.

"Me and the other lads are going out. We have shopping to do for the girlfriends and we decide to let you two love birds have your time alone." he said with a wink. Soon after Louis and Zayn came running down, Zayn chasing Louis who had his special mirror, all the way to the door and slammed it shut. Me and Niall grinned at each other.

"So, we're all alone." Niall's voice turned deeper and more seductive. He smirked at me and leaned up towards me, as he was cuddled up to my chest. I returned the smirk and leaned down to.

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