Zouis~ I'll meet you soon.

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(A/N so here's another one-shot! I saw someone write one like this, and I wanted to write one to it's sad... I almost cried. Anyways, read on. Warnings; may make you cry like it did me ),:)

Zouis~ I'll meet you soon. 


Leave a message after the beep; Hey! This is Louis, -Zayn stop, I'm ticklish!- I'm most likely with my beautiful boyfriend! I'll call you back as soon as possible! You know what to do!


"Louis! Please answer the phone! I'm sorry! I love you and only you!"

"Louis I need you. I'm broken. Please call me back."

"I don't know what I'm supposed to say. I love you Louis. So much. And I'm sorry."

"Louis! It's been five fucking days! Pick up your damn phone! We need to talk about this!"

"Louis please."

"I love you."

"Babe I'm sorry, I need you."

"You did it."

"You took your life. And it's all my fault."

"They told me you were wearing my shirt. And you were holding the stuffed penguin that I won for you on our first date."

"Your mom told me not to blame it on myself. But why else would you do it?"

"I love you so much Louis. It was raining. At your funeral. It was open casket. They laid your penguin in there with you."

"You looked so pale... So lifeless. I miss your gorgeous eyes."

"It's been over a year now Louis, they still haven't turned your phone off."

"Every day I call just so I can hear your voice."

"It's so weird. Without my lover here. I love you."

"I still have the letter. Your suicide letter. I read it before I go to bed. It says how much you love me, and how you don't blame me. But I blame myself."

"It's almost our 4 year anniversary Lou! Exactly 1 year, 6 months, and 11 days since you left. We have 2 more day’s baby. Then I'll see you again. I still love you."

"Don't worry babe, I'm coming."

"It’s our anniversary. I put on the suit you love. The one that you said made my ass look great. Don't worry BooBear, I'll see you soon enough."

"It's finally time. I have everything prepared. I love you. I have the necklace you got me, with a mirror and carrot on it. I haven't tookin it off."

"Lou, I'm scared. I'm starting to feel drowsy. I just wanted to call you one last time to tell you I love you.

"I'll meet you soon- beep beep beep."

Leave a message after the beep; Hey! This is Louis, -Zayn stop, I'm ticklish!- I'm most likely with my beautiful boyfriend! I'll call you back as soon as possible! You know what to do!

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