Niall~ You're my super hero.

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(A/N warning; talks about self harm so may trigger. I'm really happy with this, I've been going through this for a while. And I'm happy to say in trying to stop, 15 days with out self harm☺ but as each day passes, it feels like I cant hold back. But then I remember I have people who care. Especially on twitter. I love the girls there, they help me sooo much❤ this is dedicated to @16hrbourgoin for the comment she made, it made my day and it pushed me a little more to do my best ^_^ thanks so much love)

Niall; You're my super hero.


Niall's POV;

I've always been a weak link. I may look strong on the outside, but I could snap at any moment. And that's exactly what I did. My weakest link just... Snapped. I slid down the bathroom door and pulled my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around my legs and resting my chin on my knees. I listens closely, seeing if the boys were home. I waited about five minutes until I stood up and opened the door, leaning around the corner. I look left, I see all of our rooms, Zayns the last on facing towards me, mine and Harry's on either side, mine on the left Harry's on right. Next to mine was Liam's, and across from Liam and next to Harry was Louis' room. All the doors were shut so I didn't bother checking them. I stepped out and walked right, walking towards the living room. My body was shaking from crying and my visions was blurry. I checked the living room and the kitchen and no one was here. I walked back into the bathroom and locked the door, picking up my phone that I had dropped on the ground and sitting on the toilet seat. I had pages after pages of hate from twitter. All towards me.

@NiallOfficial you don't deserve to be in the band. Your voice is horrible and you're ugly

Personally, I like all the boys except @NiallOfficial. Can you say fatty?!

Lol! I don't know why @NiallOfficial even TRIES anymore! NEWS FLASH nobody likes you hun(:

I didn't care about those tweets that much. I've always seen those and have grown us to them. The one that got to be was this one.

@NiallOfficial I heard you cut you little emo bitch. How bout you cut a little deeper, hit those main arteries? Do the world a favor(;

7.4K retweets. 5.9K favorites. I cried even more when I thought of how many people wanted me to die, how many people were so CRUEL! Sure our fans stood up for me, but the hate is so much worse. I felt more tears run down my face and wiped them with disgust. I'm so weak. I'm just the ugly duckling that never got to grow into a swan. I stood up and looked on the mirror. I turned from side to side and looked at how fat I looked. Disgusted, I went to my face. I touched my cheeks. I looked at my eyes. They were so dull, lifeless. I bared my teeth. Sure they weren't screwed any more, but they WERE. I signed and lifted my shirt. There were multiple scars hidden beneath my clothing. They were all light now, paler than my unnatural pale skin. They seemed to glow as my urges got worse. I sighed again and pushed my shirt down. I leaned towards the mirror looking myself right in the eyes.

"You're disgusting. A waste of space. I wished you'd just die." more tears streamed down my face. I whipped them away and violently smacked myself on the face. It stung, and as I looked at my face there was already a welt the size of my hand on my face. It stung, but it felt amazing. I smiled and reached atop the mirror searching for my savior. The one thing that will take me away from this hell we call earth. Finally, my hand collapse around a cold, silver object. I hold it in front of my face smiling. My razor blade. I looked at my reflection again, but Niall Horan was gone. That sweet Irish lad that didn't have a care in the world was gone. He was replaced by someone I've never seen, with a wicked grin across their face. This was not Niall Horan. But I didn't care anymore. Still smiling, I took a seat on the toilet again. I rolled my sleeves up and it was littered in ugly pale white and pink scars, some straight across, some crisscrossing, some jagged. All telling a story. The lads knew about myself harm, they helped me get through it. Well, I have gone 2 months without it, until now. That was all about to change. I smile turned into a small grin as I traced over the scars lightly. In the middle of my arm, still pink and soft, was the last thing I had carved into myself. That's when I realized I had a problem, and I needed help. Across my the broken scars was one word, one word I had always been called, one word I believed I was.

"Useless." I read. I was useless. And now it's on me forever. I pulled down that sleeve and went to the next, again this arm covered in ugly lines. I looked for a place to cut, to start my addiction over again. That is, until I spotted my phone. 'Might as well check it' I thought to myself. It was twitter...

@narry4eva: @NiallOfficial Niall, we love you so much. Fuck the haters, you're BEAUTFIUL and were always here for you. Niall, you made my scars disappear. When I wanted to end my life, I thought about you. I thought about how one day, I'll get to meet my hero. Niall Horan, you are my super hero. (A/N ik this is to long for a tweet but ya know... Whatever)

I smiled, and cried happy tears. My phone ringed again, but this time it was a text. From Liam.

Ni, me and the boys are almost home. My daddy direction senses are kicking in, I know you need a hug right now. I don't know what for, but stay strong. We love you Niall

My grin got even wider as I dropped the blade, forgetting all about the task at hand, as my phone went off again. I got a text from all the boys.

Niall, we all love you. I know what you're thinking of doing, don't do it Ni. We fucking love you so much. Stay strong leprechaun Zaynxx

NiNi!! I love you buddy, don't forget!! KEVIN LOVES YOU TO!!! When we get home, I'll share my carrots with you(: LouTheGreatxxx

Hey babe, just telling you that I love you and you mean a lot to me and the boys. We got you food!! When we get home, were all going to watch a movie and chill for the night(: I love you Ni Hazxx

I don't think I've ever smiled this much in my life. I heard the front door open and close and hear a course of my name. I stood up and whipped my tears, smiling like a fool. I ran out and saw Liam.

"Leeyummm!!!" I screeched and attacked him, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, nuzzling my head in between his shoulder blade. I felt him wrap his arms around me and put his head in my hair, and I felt multiple arms wrap around me, and I knew the boys joined in on the group hug. He stayed there for what felt like an hour, till I jumped down. Liam looked at me and smiled kindly, Lou handed me a carrot as he munched on his, Zayn gave me a big hug, and Harry held me against his side as I ate my carrot. We all sat down, me in between Harry and Liam, Zayn on Liam's side and Louis on Harry's. We watched 3 movies and I looked at the clock. 11:37. I got up to go to the bathroom. When I walked in I saw something silver on the ground. Curiously, I bent down to retrieve it. The blade. I gasped, and the urges came back. I wrapped my hand around it and walked into the living room. I stood in front of Liam and a took his hand, opening it and putting the blade there, gently closing his hand around it. He looked at me confused, then opened his hand.

"This is my last blade. Take it, and get rid of it." Liam smiled at me and kissed my head. He walked outside in the front yard and came back.

"There, it's gone. Let's get you to bed Ni." right on cue I yawn, and he chuckles. I walk to my bed and get comfy in it. I opened my twitter and tweeted the girl who had tweeted me last.

@NiallOfficial: @narry4eva no. You're my super hero.

With that I closed my eyes, and fell into a peaceful sleep where I was with the ones I loved. And self-harm didn't exist. Where I didn't feel useless.

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