Lilo (Niall centric)~ I don't have to go anymore.

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(A/N Hi guys!(: ok so this has been finished for a while now but I didn't want to publish it. To be honest I don't like it all that much. It's ot my best, I must admit. Took me a while to finish, and at the end you can tell its rushed. This one shot is dedicated to kittyclause for sending in this prompt(: I changed it up a bit love, hope you don't mind much! But I love that word. Nappy. Its so cute! Also, check out my new story? It's Narry, my opt! So if you enjoy Narry also, give it a try? Thanks loves. And I have gotten over 400 reads since my last update... indescribable. thank you all so much.

~Prompt- You are a awsome writer can you do a nouis and/or niam like niall being babied by liam/louis because he is so small and cute and starts to have to wear nappies to bed because he started wetting the bed. Somthing like that. Thanks st as y beautiful and awsome~)

Lilo (Niall centric); I don't have to go anymore.


"Niall," Louis sighed deeply as the young child wailed loudly, his bed and along with his footy pajamas soaked in urine. He picked up the four year old, despite the smell of pee, and held him close to his chest. He rocked back and fourth trying to calm the young lad. Liam walked in, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"What's wrong, Lou?" Louis turned around and pouted slightly at his husband.

"I woke up to Niall screaming. I came in and he wet his footy's, feels like he has a temperature to." Liam walked forward, grabbing the boy from his grip. Niall's sobs slowly calmed down at the sight of his Daddy, he's always had a more fond relationship with Liam. He pressed his heated face against Liam's neck and wrapped his arms around his neck, along with his legs around his torso. A small gurgling sound coming from his throat. Liam frowned.

"Ni, what hurts?" Niall rubbed at his sore eyes.

"My tummy." walking towards his small blue bed, Liam set him down and went to leave. Niall quickly grabbed at his shirt, his tiny fist bawling up the material.

"It's ok, Ni. I'm just gonna go get a thermometer. Stay here with Dada." Niall slowly let go of his shirt and watched with curious eyes as Liam left the room. Louis looked down at Niall guiltily. He didn't know what to do in this situation. He and Niall didn't have a very... good relationship. Louis just didn't know how to be around the child. Sighing, he walked to the dresser and pulled out some clean pajamas. They were red with little blue race cars on them and blue on the bottom of the pants along with the sleeves. He walked over to Niall who was watching him carefully.

"Hey Ni." silence.

"Come on, let's get you into new pajamas." Niall still didn't say anything, but he raised in arms indicating that he wanted him to pick him up. Carefully, Louis put his arms under the young boys armpits, raising him to stand on the bed. He slowly unzipped the pajamas, being careful not to let it get caught on his skin. Once they were off, he let Niall take of his undies so he could throw them in the washing bin. Louis thought for a moment before walking towards Niall's little closet. He turned on the light and stuck his head in. Niall watched carefully and curiously.

"Dada?" he asked. Louis walked back out the closet, turning the lights off and shut the door.

"Sorry Ni, but you're gonna have to wear this tonight." he held up a white nappy. A high pitched whine came from Niall.

"No! I'm a big boy. I don't need no nappy." he crossed his arms over his chest and pouted slightly. Louis cooed at the adorableness.

"Sorry Ni, you gotta wear it. Just for tonight bud." Niall sighed and bowed his head in embarrassment.

"But Dada, I'm a big boy. And you said big boys don't wear nappies anymore." Niall sniffled and whipped his runny nose on the back of his hand. His eyes began to fill with tears as he thought about what the kids would call him at his daycare if they found out he had to wear a nappy again. They'd call him mean, mean things. They'd call him a baby, and Niall was no baby. Louis sighed and ran a hand threw his tousled hair.

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