Nouis~ Pinky Promise? Part1

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(A/N helloooo agin loves ^_^ this one-shot is dedicated to Kmy_leprovost for my first prompt EVER! YAY! I'm so sorry I haven't posted it yet, I had writers block then I was really busy. I went to see the movie warm bodies, such a good movie!! Then I went to the monster jam two days ago, and I got sick /: so I'm making this into two parts, because I wanted to hurry up and post this. The second will either be on tonight or tomorrow, I promise!! Thanks so much loves :* Warnings; just a little bit of curse words

~Prompt- what about a Nouis story where Niall is too shy to admit that he love Louis and need him until there is a snow storm (is that a word??? O.o) and he was trapped in his house and cry for Louis? then Louis appears, of course!!!! oh, and Harry could be the one who knows Niall's love for Louis?~)

Nouis~ Pinky Promise? Part1


Niall's POV;

"Louis, stop the damn car!" Harry punched the air bag in anger. I shrunk back into Liam as Harry and Louis kept arguing. We had no idea where we were, and the worst part is, is that a snow storm coming. At the moment we were in the woods (how did we end up here anyways?) and surrounded by, well.. The woods. And cabins. Harry wanted to stop and try to break into one of the cabins for safety. Louis wanted to try to run from the storm.

"Pull over Lou! Niall is freezing and scared, we need to get to safety before he or anyone else has a panic attack." Liam says playing his role of daddy direction. An adorable pout takes over Lou's face. No, stop it Niall! You must get over these feelings. He'll never like you. I sighed loudly, and earned a questioning look from Liam and Zayn, and Louis look at me from the mirror before quickly looking back at the road. Harry turned around and smiled a sad, knowing smile. Harry's the only person who knows about my feelings. My feelings for Lou. He found out after he confronted me and told me that he umm... Heard me calling him in my dreams. A dirty dream. Ya, It was awkward for a couple of days. But Harry's not the one to keep up awkwardness. I actually thought Harry and Louis had something going on, but he's 'madly in love' with his new girlfriend. She's actually really nice, and she cooks. So I like her. I must have been to deep in my thoughts because Liam started shaking my shoulder and the car was empty. I shivered as a cold gust of wind came through the open door.

"Come on Ni, Lou almost has the door open." right after he said that we heard Louis scream 'YES!' and the door was open. I scrambled out the door and into the house, looking for food.

"FOOOD!" I screeched, the fridge was stalk full! Is this heaven? As I opened the freezer and pulled out a jug of chocolate chip ice cream, I heard the boys arguing. I sighed and pulled out a spoon rolling my eyes. For some reason Larry hasn't been getting along lately. Lou just seems to be pissed off at Harry, he won't tell anyone why. Not even Liam! I sit at the round table and set my ice cream on top. I heard shuffling from behind me and turned. Zayn as standing at the door looking at my ice cream. I hissed at him and hid my baby behind me as Zayn walked closer.

"Come on Ni, sharing is caring!" Zayn pouted and sat across from me.

"Niall doesn't share." I stuck my nose up and took a massive bite out of my ice cream. Zayn rolled his eyes and stood up, opened the fridge and started getting stuff to make a sandwich.

"Make me one to Zaynie poo?" I asked making the cutest puppy dog face I could muster, my eyes opened wide and innocent, my bottom lip jutted out just a bit and quivering slightly. He sighed and rolled his eyes, but made my sandwich anyways. I took a big bite and moaned loudly, what can I say? Zayn makes a killer sandwich.

"We may be here for a bit, Liam found a radio up in the rooms and they say it's going to be a heavy snow storm. We may even be stuck in the house soon. Louis and Harry are arguing again, as usual. Louis thinks we should leave as there is no heater here and he thinks it'll get to cold. Harry says we need to stay , it's just going to get worse. I don't know what up with those two lately, they've been at each other's throats. I hope the work out whatever they need to, cause pretty soon I might just explode." I patted Zayn on shoulder and gave him a sympathetic look.

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